Something like this?

Or this?

Or this?

Or, perhaps, this?

Maybe this?

Or this?

Well, mine is something like this:

Alas, we don't have anything close to it yet. Nevertheless, WY and I derive much pleasure tending to these:
Dessert Rose aka Impala Lily aka 富贵花:
Anthurium aka Flamingo Flower aka 火鹤花:
Bryophyllum Crenatodaigremontianum aka Mother of Thousands/Millions aka 子子孙孙 :
Crassula Ovata aka Jade Plant aka 玉树:
'Common' Cactus (I gave up looking for its proper name!) aka 仙人掌:
And this yet-to-find-its-name latest acquisition:
Which altogether make up our Garden now! :)
1 comment:
Aiyah, what an irony.
Today I went to 2 supermarkets which have garden stuff to look for some plants / flowers.
I came back empty handed.
The plants which you showed, are all indoor plants. Now I have to look for some outdoor plants for our garden.
All 120 sqm of it.
Plus we also need to source for a good garden table set with chairs. And of course not forgetting that handy useful umbrella for blocking out the harsh sun (7am til 9pm sunny all the time).
Wait a few more days, while I upload photos of our new home.
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