Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Chix Pox?

Mother has been having this nagging headache and has been feeling increasingly unwell generally, for the past 4-5 days.

On Sunday evening, she asked me for some panadol, which I gave her. We told her that if headache still persisted, she should go to the doctor the following morning. We were concerned also because she has had several mosquito bites on her legs and arms - neighbours in block have also been swarmed by scores of mosquitoes the past 2-3 weeks and one has even been bitten repeatedly on her face.

When we returned from work on Monday, Mother told us that she has been to see the block 51 quack. He told her that her blood pressure has gone up to 107/140. Very bad, especially since Mother has never had problems with blood pressure being high. The headache subsided a little after that visit, but didn't go away.

On Tuesday evening, she told us at dinner that she had gone for another visit to the same quack. This time, she showed him the tiny red spots on her arms and legs and some slightly bigger spots on her stomach. She even asked him if it was chix pox because 2 of her grandsons had just gone through it before CNY. Some spots have now also become itchy although there had been no itch previously. He said no, because she had told him that she had had it before when she was a child, so not likely to have another attack.

This was what he gave her : 2 jabs (she didn't know what they were) and a pack of tetracycline and a pack of vitamin C. He told Mother that the red spots appeared because there has been some toxins in her liver!! How he could tell, I have no idea.

Mother's headache subsided by the evening but still didn't go away completely. Then after our dinner, she showed us that tens of red spots have developed around her lower back and waist, and the multiple bulging volcano-like ones on her scalp. When I looked carefully, I saw some spots on her arms had some tiny shiny vesicles quite typical of chix pox. Mother also said there was one big one on the inside of her left ear. This and those on the scalp are painful.

I remember that Cecilia had recently explained that shingles (aka 2nd time attack of chix pox) usually involves vesicles along the nerval path, so it can go round like a ring, hence the nickname "snake". Typically, it will be around the neck and/or waist.

CP and R also agreed that the spots look like they are the chix poxies. Mother quickly added that she felt better already, when I suggested that she gives her Malaysia trip this Saturday a miss. We told her she should drink some 凉茶 and coconut juice like WY did earlier on. She said ok.

I didn't feel good not knowing what jabs Mother had been given, so this morning, I called the quack. To my shock, his staff told me that Mother had just gone to visit him again just minutes before my call! So after verifying this with Mother, I asked to speak to the quack personally.

On my asking, the quack explained that the 2 jabs which he had given Mother were for relieving itch and for relieving body aches respectively. He reiterated that since Mother had had chix pox before, it is not likely to be chix pox this time. He further said that he had today given her 2 creams, one antibacterial to prevent secondary infection and the other antiviral to prevent scarring!! When I asked specifically whether he thought Mother had chix pox, he insisted that it is only highly suspicious. He added that even if it is indeed chix pox, it isn't a full-blown one and she is already recovering.

I requested to be given oral antiviral medicine to speed up the healing process because Mother intends to go on a trip this Saturday. He said it was not really needed because it had been 5 days since the red spots came on (actually, the tiny red spots started earlier even but the vesicle ones only 2-3 days ago). When I reiterated the request, he offered to give a prescription free of charge because he only has an antiviral cream but not oral medication. I asked whether it is medically safe to take the tablets nevertheless, and he said yes, it is safe even though it is usually given on the 1-2 days when chix pox 1st comes on.

So R went to pick up the prescription, went to buy medicine at pharmacy in Marine Parade, let Mother take it now.

I called Mother to let her know to expect R, and not to cook dinner. She said soup is already cooked, so I will add in some noodles and vegetables when we get back and we can have that for dinner. She said she will still cook some porridge for Father and Old Lady, because these 2 persons will not want to eat soup-noodles for dinner. I offered to buy packed dinner for them, but Mother said porridge will be preferred. I just held my tongue.

Mother said her tongue bled this morning when she scrapped it, so she thinks there is also blister there. She has no fever but still feels generally unwell and tired. And quite many red spots have now developed on her face. Her voice sounds like she has blocked nose.

I plan to take her to my regular GP to confirm whether it is chix pox, tomorrow morning. If it is, Quack can be sure he will hear from me again.

My other and more worrying concern is that I want to rule out dengue.

Monday, February 26, 2007

CNY visiting and KG House

The weekend which has just passed was the 1st since WY went back to school after the chix pox. So we all resumed the weekend classes and routine, with a bit of special outings thrown in because it was still CNY celebrations.

Saturday breakfast is almost always a rush. Home-prepared and taken at home. Followed by an equally-rushed shower for everyone. I always say we want to get out of the house before 9:30am, but it almost always turns out that at 9:30am, I just finish my shower (of course lah, I am always the last to shower mah).

WF behaved terribly in his Yamaha class this week. I was so frustrated, wished I could just walk off from the studio.

When the children gathered round the Teacher to sing solfege, WF just strolled around the piano before finally deciding to stand BEHIND the Teacher. When the Teacher sat the children down, our friend sat down too (yes, ok, this part was ok at 1st). Then he started to fiddle with the velcro straps of his Hotwheels shoes, pulling them off and then on and then off and then on.... Woah lao! Then when it was time to play the keyboard, he cheekily played more than what the Teacher required, and also leaned against the keys so that his stomach rested on the lower keys! And of course, since they use electones in class, the depressed keys gave a continuous chorus of sounds lah!

Although his antics drew some laughter from his classmates and some parents, I couldn't help but feel like pulling him out of the class there and then! Fortunately the Teacher was very firm and could get WF to follow the lesson properly. She was also very diplomatic about it.

After the lesson, WF got a earful from me. Not unexpectedly, he promised to behave better in future classes and not be naughty again etc etc. But I wanted to drive the message home, so I stuck by this 'pronouncement' that badly-behaved children belong only to the Karang-Guni's House, for the rest of the day. He also didn't get the privilege of holding my hands or taking the front seat in the car. When we were in the car, he tried to lean on my arms but to no avail.

By the time we reached home from shopping at Carrefour, I think he got the message.

Dinner on Saturday was at Uncle Frankie's house. I always feel at ease at this place. Very 'home'-like, if anyone knows what I mean.

Yes, AhYee remembered to cook her signature fried rice for WY. And 'nice soup' for WF. On reflection, I think it has been a blessing that we got her help when Mother went to Switzerland previously. It was then a very trying time for us all, especially myself, so the help was especially very very precious. 真的是雪中送炭。I am very thankful for her help.

As is always the case when we go visit her, AhYee was stuffing us all with all kinds of food. Not limited to dinner-food only, hor. What chocolates lah, fruits lah, cookies lah, fruit cocktails lah. A simple but satisfying type of CNY visiting.

Uncle Frankie and AhYee got their kitchen toilet overhauled. Now every pipe and tile is brand new. Very pleasant pink colour scheme. Bright and cheery feel about it. I quite like the floor tiles. Just that I don't understand why they still use blue tack to hold the toothpick floss sticks??

They also replaced their gate with a new wrought iron one. AhYee was so cute - she shared with us that she had a nightmare just the night before that someone actually took off with her brand new gate! When she woke up to find her gate still intact, it was such a relief that she decided to try her luck at 4D using her unit number! I guess she really loves her new gate. Hahahaha.....


Sunday morning was yet another rush. Rush to wake up, rush to wash up, rush to make breakfast, rush to get R and the small ones up, rush through breakfast, rush to get them dressed, and rush to send them for 文化艺术团 lessons.

This week I decided to let R send them alone. I stayed to get the laundry done and prepare lunch. This part of Sunday is a little different because CP was coming back in the afternoon to revise work with WY. (This is usually done on Saturday afternoons, but was changed this week because we had gone Carrefour shopping and CNY visitng on Saturday.)

After lunch, everyone became so drowsy. No, not because of my food but because of the weather, I think. WF fell asleep soon after we read his "Spotless Record" story about Arthur, the Big Tank Engine. R fell asleep on WY's bed before I asked him to join WF in the other room.

I started to go through WY's work. In between the assignments, WY stole time to read about termite mounds. Don't know what mounds are? Ask WY lor. :)

I have no idea what time CP came back.... because by then, I was also in slumber! Dozed off while marking WY's work on his bed. Ya, I know it always is a disaster to mark assignments on his bed - bad example also, but what to do? Eyelids were really that H-E-A-V-Y.....

So, I guessed CP came back to find all in slumber except for poor WY. I was awakened by some sharp snappy questions she was asking WY, couldn't make out what they were discussing though. Anyway, I got up then.

And it was lucky that I got up. Just as I finished hanging up the laundry and scrubbing the toilet floor, the door bell rang. Yes, it was Uncle Frankie and AhYee.

Then WY got a break from his tuition. He played the gracious host, bringing out the goodies for the guests and trying out the goodies with them. I think he enjoys playing host, which unfortunately he doesn't get to do often. He is quite a social person.

I am always very heartened to see how (on the few times when we received CNY guests) he would thoughtfully serve the guests CNY goodies, offering them things like tissue paper too, when he sees that they need it. Also, previously, he took out board games to play with the guests etc. This darling boy of ours is generally a good host and quite sensitive about the guests' needs. Only that sometimes he needs some prompting. :)

Afterwards, WY resumed his work with CP when Uncle Frankie and AhYee went off to 12th floor. WF, who had woken up when Uncle Frankie and AhYee arrived, continued to play his Thomas & Friends and Bob's Machine Team plus some other toy cars.

Dinner of fruits (and yoghurt for the boys) was served at 8:30pm. Guavas, peaches, grapes and jambus. Couldn't fit bananas in.

Then, we saw once again the power of the laptop. WY asked if he could have his computer time. We told the boys that they could have their respective computer time only after their showers. So, both went happily and eagerly to have their showers soon after dinner. By 9:30pm, WY was already on the laptop, aiming and shooting away.

WY has been keeping his deal of 2 hours per week of GameBoy. Usually, he chooses to convert this to one-hour GB and one-hour computer game. So far, he got privilege withdrawn once, for non-completion of work assigned. There were some hot tears then, I remember.

To WF's credit, he waited patiently for his turn last night. Thomas and Bob were still great company. So the evening was a relatively peaceful one. Good.

I finished the ironing at 5 past 12, had a quick shower before climbing onto bed. WF had this to tell me before I switched off the lamp:

WF: Mama, I will be good boy.

I: Yes, will you be good boy in Yamaha class too?

WF: Yes. I didn't cry at the 文化艺术团。

I: Ok, that's good.

(After 10 seconds of silence)

WF: Mama, only naughty boys belong to KG House, right?

I: Yes, only naughty ones belong to KG House. Would you want to go there?

WF: No! (with his trademark deliberate cheeky big grin)

I: So you are good boy, don't need to go KG House, correct? (WF nodded.) I love you very much, WF.

WF: I love you, too, Mama.

I: Let's big hug and sleep already, ok?

WF: And big squeeze too!

So after the HUGs and squeezes, it was lights off.


This morning, 2 sisters were crying for their mother when we arrived at CH. Wailing non-stop. When WF saw them still wailing away after he had washed his hands, he looked at me and whispered into my ears, "Mama, they must go KG House, right?"

"Yes, I think so," I whispered back. He nodded wisely, and then said bye to me happily after taking over his water bottle and lunchbox of honey stars.

Friday, February 23, 2007

A 'rushy' morning

I guess I said it too fast yesterday when I said WF was ok in CH.

Sometime around noon yesterday, Teacher Susan called and said WF's arm was 'kiapped' by the door which opens to the playground. Although no open wound, got a 'quite big' bruise. She reassured me that WF waqs ok although he had cried in pain when the accident happened.

When we later picked the little one up, what a shock we got! There was a huge red-blue-black bruise covering almost the entire upper half of the left upper arm. Swollen some more. Sigh. The director apologised but what can we say? Sigh. Good thing that they have applied Zambuk twice over already and swelling has already subsided a little.

I asked WF if it would be good idea to let the doctor see the injury, he happily gave me a resounding, "Yes!" But on our way out, R and I decided that it is probably not going to help to drop by the clinic immediately; the doc won't be able to do anything abt the bruise now anyway.

So we went back home straightaway.

As expected, Mother nagged a little about the bruise and told me that I should tick the CH staff off for not taking good care of WF. Sigh, I think she doesn't fully appreciate the dynamics of a childcare centre.

Anyway, after another 2 rounds of Zambuk, the swelling has subsided further this morning. But still has to struggle with WF to apply the ointment.


As I was clearing emails this morning, WY's form teacher called and asked if I could be a parent representative in a dialogue session between MOE officials and the school. I didn't hesitate to say yes - why not, right? Especially when she said that I was the first person who came to the VP Mr Chan's mind! :)

There will be a pre-dialogue briefing. Logistics are still pending confirmation.

Ahem. Feels good to be invited leh. :)

After the telephone conversation, I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to go for a Workshop today! Quickly checked email and to my relief, it is scheduled to start at 2pm. Phew!

Now only waiting for my boss to be ready, then we will set off together. I already got the small change for easy payment for taxi fare - usual lah, when travelling with (my) boss. Sigh.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

5th day of CNY

As advised by literature forwarded by a colleague, I donned a white blouse this morning for work. So did R.

WY went back to school after his 2-wk unexpected break. It feels like it has been a really long holiday, I hope he can pick up whatever he has missed quickly. Sigh, some more got topical tests and Science practical tests to make up for. Not to mention those spellings and dictations and 听写. I am telling myself to be ready to see a mountain load of work assignments tonight.

As expected, WF refused to get up for school this morning. I offered him some m&m packets to bring to class to share with his friends. Then in between protests of "I am tired!" and "But I am very tired!", we set off to CH. To drop him off, R had to literally 'peel' WF off R's shirt today. Bad.

Teacher Susan told me later on phone that it was just for a brief while only. He is ok in class now.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Virgin Posting

This is the 1st day of work after CNY 2007.

The day started like any others, except that both little ones get to stay home with Mother today - big one because he has to wait out the quarantine period post chix pox and the small one because the childcare centre is closed today.

Nothing special in office. But had a great lunch at Beng Hiang today with colleagues. Apart from the Lo Hei, we had roast chix + ngoh hiang hei cho + fish maw soup + hokkien mee + kung ba pao. See, big feast for the 1st day of work. :)

After lunch, received a call from Mother. Angrily complaining how the small one manipulated the remote control for her TV and finally upset the setting etc and now all channels have zero volume. Sigh, what to do? What can I do except to try to pacify and say we will look into it this evening once we get back? Sigh.

Luckily, by the time we got home from work, TV was already ok.

We went to Cecilia's clinic to get the certificate for WY's return to school. Oh man! It was a super long wait, especially since all we wanted was the certificate (no medication etc). By the time we were done, it was almost 9:05pm.

Our plan was to go pick up some dairy stuff like 'square' cheese (yah, the 'triangle ones' won't do) and fresh milk from NTUC after that. So we quickly set off. Whilst we were on PIE, our dear WF fell asleep in the front seat. He remained in slumber even as we parked in SingPost.

So WY and I did a quick dash for the various items and then hurried back to the car, only to find not one, but two, 'sleepers' snoring away!

By the time we got back to our car park, it was no surprise that there were no nearby lots left. So WY had to carry a loaded cooler box and a shopping bag whilst I carried the other shopping bag and a still-fast-asleep WF on my shoulders. Funny thing is, when we reached our floor, WF took a peek at where we were and asked softly:"I thought we were going to SingPost for shopping?"

Anyway, all 3 of us got into the house and WY started to help me to unpack. WF, who was by then quite fully awake, started to pester us with his daily-routine question of "Mama, is your computer charged?" When I said no, he insisted, "Yes, it is! Yes, it is!" And like many times before, he started to whine and then the whines graduated to sobs and then to wails..... aiyah!!!! We turned a deaf ear and left him to stop his nonsense by himself, which he did.... until R came back into the house - then WF started all over again.... sigh......

WY and I did a quick review of the work which he has to bring back to school before he got his school bag packed. Talk about multi-function, we had to fit in the brushing of teeth, washing of face, changing into pyjamas etc, all into the 10 minutes or so which I had for checking his answers to the Science homework assigned by the class teacher. I think (and hope) WY will do better at multitasking than R. And I sincerely hope there won't be any of such sudden and 'enforced' breaks anymore. Very super disruptive especially to school work.

Then we saw that WF had gone into the room and so at my suggestion, WY stealthily took out the laptop and set it up for a quick login to sharepoint. Ms Lee had requested that we link his e-journal blog to his class webpage. Once we were done, I got WY to quickly logoff and then keep the laptop again. Then just as quickly, he got into bed and in a flash, it was lights-off.

Phew! I took an extra-fast shower (since I was in and out of the clinic earlier) before climbing onto bed. WF was waiting on his pillow.

I sat him down and asked him what he did wrong in the afternoon (about Mother's TV). This smart little one, he is totally aware of his mischief and knows that he must not repeat it. I had no choice but to tell him that AhMa was so angry with his mischievious deed and that I was so disappointed with his refusal to answer my telephone call. Red-eyed and heavily sniffing away, he promised not to do these 'naughty things' again.

Then we discussed the plan to return to CH tomorrow:

I: Tomorrow, Papa and Mama will go to work and GeGe will go to KHS. WF will have to go to CH school.

WF: What about AhMa?

I: AhMa has to do her work too. She has so much work to do.

WF: But I still have germs!

I: Ha?! What germs? There's no more germ!

WF (quickly sat up and insisted that I switched on the bedside lamp) : Look! Still got germs! See! (pointing to his foot) I got mosquito germs!

I lost my tongue. Just briefly rubbed the single mosquito bite which he got 2 days earlier and then switched off the lamp again.