Friday, February 23, 2007

A 'rushy' morning

I guess I said it too fast yesterday when I said WF was ok in CH.

Sometime around noon yesterday, Teacher Susan called and said WF's arm was 'kiapped' by the door which opens to the playground. Although no open wound, got a 'quite big' bruise. She reassured me that WF waqs ok although he had cried in pain when the accident happened.

When we later picked the little one up, what a shock we got! There was a huge red-blue-black bruise covering almost the entire upper half of the left upper arm. Swollen some more. Sigh. The director apologised but what can we say? Sigh. Good thing that they have applied Zambuk twice over already and swelling has already subsided a little.

I asked WF if it would be good idea to let the doctor see the injury, he happily gave me a resounding, "Yes!" But on our way out, R and I decided that it is probably not going to help to drop by the clinic immediately; the doc won't be able to do anything abt the bruise now anyway.

So we went back home straightaway.

As expected, Mother nagged a little about the bruise and told me that I should tick the CH staff off for not taking good care of WF. Sigh, I think she doesn't fully appreciate the dynamics of a childcare centre.

Anyway, after another 2 rounds of Zambuk, the swelling has subsided further this morning. But still has to struggle with WF to apply the ointment.


As I was clearing emails this morning, WY's form teacher called and asked if I could be a parent representative in a dialogue session between MOE officials and the school. I didn't hesitate to say yes - why not, right? Especially when she said that I was the first person who came to the VP Mr Chan's mind! :)

There will be a pre-dialogue briefing. Logistics are still pending confirmation.

Ahem. Feels good to be invited leh. :)

After the telephone conversation, I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to go for a Workshop today! Quickly checked email and to my relief, it is scheduled to start at 2pm. Phew!

Now only waiting for my boss to be ready, then we will set off together. I already got the small change for easy payment for taxi fare - usual lah, when travelling with (my) boss. Sigh.

1 comment:

KayAngMo said...

Big Bruise...sim tia.

However you are right, there is nothing much to say about it to the teachers la. They also didn't want this to happen, but accidents do happen. Good thing is that WF will now be more careful and he should have learnt his lesson when near doors.

When Joel fell down in Kinderkrippe (KK) some time back, and some more with big bruise on face, we were also quite worried.

But nowadays, when he falls down, I don't make any recovering movement or sound, see that he is not drastically hurt, and he picks himself up, no sound or crying also.

This way, I think they learn that falling down or "hurting" themselves is part and parcel of living.

Therefore, don't make too much hoo har la, it may worsen the crying.
Today going to the Notary to sign the papers, quite excited!

Kay Angmo