Then on early Sunday morning, WF ran a fever. Sigh. So I went on urgent leave to take care of him at home.
The fever climbed higher and higher during the course of the day, and peaked at close to 39.5 degrees in the afternoon. As it is always the case, I was worried and felt extremely 烦 about it. It was only when his temperature started to drop and return closer to normal that I felt a little more relieved.

On Tuesday, I had to return to work in the office. The plan was that R would stay home to take care of WF that day.
Surprisingly, when I was getting ready to go off to office, WF woke up and made a big big fuss over my leaving him at home whilst I went to office. He cried so badly and so pitifully that it started to feel a little heart-wrenching. It was, you know, the kind of '以泪洗脸' type of pitiful wailing. So poor thing.
WF: Mama, I want you to stay at home with me.... HooooHooooHoooo.....
Me: But I have work in the office which must be done.
WF: You can do your work at home..... HoooooHoooooHoooo.....
Me: Some work cannot be done at home. I need to do it in the office.
WF: But you must take care of me..... HoooooHoooooHoooo....
Me: Yes, I will but I need to go to the office today. You wait for me at home.
WF: No! .....HoooooHoooooHooooooHoooo....
WF: (After some continued wailing, then sobbing) I go to Ah Ma's house? Can? I stay with Ah Ma to wait for you....
(Smart little fellow - he knows that at Mother's place, he can manipulate and monopolise the TV, mah.)
Me: Ha?! But Ah Ma has her work to do, too! How can she take care of you?
WF: (Sobs restarting) Then you stay with me, do your work at home and you can take care of me! HoooooHoooHooo.....
I got quite impatient after a while, then said quite firmly that perhaps he should just send me to work then he can come back and wait for me at home. Surprisingly, he was ok with this suggestion and so the crying stopped.
WF: Ok, so we will take a taxi?
Me: No, not the taxi.
WF: We will take a bus? A double-decker bus?
Me: Nope, not the bus. We will take the car.
So, after all that fuss and negotiation, we finally got into the car and went off. On the way to the office, I reminded him about having to drink lots of barley water + sleep + no longer TV time + no long computer time + must practice Yamaha songs + must complete Kindermusik homework etc etc......
When WF came with R to pick me up in the evening (I bought tonnes of fruits yesterday), WF seemed well rested and was super chatty in the car.
During dinner at Mother's place, however, WF started to make a fuss over where he wanted to sit to have his dinner, and ended up crying because I refused to give in. (Mother always liked to let him sit at the cane-stool so that he can watch TV at the same time. I let him sit there like this, too, on some Saturdays because there is sometimes not enough space for him at the dining table. But other times like weekdays, I always insist that he feeds himself at the dining table.)
Then, Mother hurriedly gobbled up her own dinner and proceeded to bring his rice and soup to the cane-stool to feed WF. The little rascal then happily took his dinner. I told Mother that it is almost impossible to maintain discipline with the boys at her place. Impossible. Sigh.
When we returned home after dinner, I quickly finished up the chores and then had a quick shower before going through WY's work. In between, I also had to squeeze in listening to WF's Yamaha practices on the keyboard. I was literally shuttling between WY's room + the living room + the kitchen. Hectic, ah....
Then, after WY had gone to bed, I realised that WF had not had his medicines, so I sat him down and gave them to him. Then I brushed his teeth (because they still had bits of bread/rice stuck on them even though R had 'brushed' them once earlier). After that, I dashed to get the laundry hung up and then have the toilet floor scrubbed.
By the time all was done and I got WF changed into his pyjamas, it was close to 11pm. I asked this little one to wait for me on the mattress already set up in front of the sofa, as I went to get myself ready for bed. It was finally lights off at about 11:30pm.......
Alas, about 10 minutes later, WF suddenly asked to go to relieve himself. I struggled to get up from the mattress (yes, I was so exhausted!) and brought him to the toilet. Then, suddenly, WF called out to me excitedly and said that his nose had started to bleed!
Oh, no! So, I quickly get him to have his hands washed etc, then we rushed to get tissue paper and quickly set about pinching the nose + putting the cold compress etc etc. I had to also run to get spare clothings and nappies as standby supplies from the drawers. Sigh.
I have no idea what time it was when WF and I finally dozed off - he with the tissue paper on his little nose and I with my hand over the no-longer-cold cold compress.

By the time I woke up 1.25 hours late, the sun had already begun to shine into the balcony. I dashed to get WY up and got his breakfast-on-the-go (no other choice, given the lateness) ready. To avoid the usual 'overhang' of jumping out of bed in a hurry, I slumped back onto the mattress after WY got out of the house at 7:10am, and got up again 5 minutes later to get WF's stuff ready.
Although Mother offered to look after WF today, I decided to let WF go to school because it is bad for him to miss lessons so ever frequently. Also, it is no good for him to get glued to the TV at Mother's place all through the day.
As at now, all seem ok at CH School. No call from teacher = good.
1 comment:
Is it any wonder, any would-be parent will think 3 times before having their child, when they read your "daily adventures"?
Not that I don't agree, we have similar things.
This morning, as with all other mornings, Joel asked me to stay home and play with him.
I said no. And he cleverly proposed instead that he comes with me to my office.
Ha ha...the clever guy!
Also last night, he woke up again at 2am and cried again to come to our bed.
After 30 nights of him sleeping alone, I relented. He was smiling in his sleep (no kidding).
Maybe I am too hard on him?
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