Last Saturday, WF requested to bring our laptop to Mother's place for some 'comp time'. To his delight, I agreed. WF chose to bring Madagascar along.
When we reached Mother's place before 6pm - which was much earlier than the usual time we would arrive at Mother's place on Saturdays, we waited for YP, BK, WS & WP. After a while, Mother decided that we wouldn't wait any further, and so R, WY, WF and I had our dinner 1st. Mother and CP followed soon after. We later learnt that YP & gang were at the theatre watching the Pirates of the Carribean and would be late.
So, after finishing dinner and washing up, the boys played their toys in the living room. I decided to set up the laptop in the balcony and try my hands at Madagascar. I was thinking, if WY and WF could get so excited and always chuckle so much playing this game, it must be quite an interesting and fun game, right?!
Soon, it was all ready and I started the game. For the 1st level, I needed to kick some gates open and collect some cards and coins. All these were pretty simple and I cleared the level without too much trouble. *Gleeful smugly smile*
Then I proceeded to the 2nd level. This time, I needed to jump through 7 rings and gather similar coins and treasures. I cleared the 1st 3 without too much difficulty.
By this time, WY and WF already realised that I was playing the game on the laptop, and so they joined me at the table. WF, especially, was so exicted that he started to offer to 'help'. I had to keep telling him to keep his hands off the mouse and keyboard.
WY, in the meantime, wisely stood by my left and gave me tips as to what I should do. "Use the mouse to help you, Mum!" he said at least 2-3 times. But with each move of the mouse, the computer screen changes perspective and those darting changes make me giddy! So I insisted that I was fine working with only the keyboard.
So whilst WY tried to 'fend off' WF 'distubring' me, I went for the 4th ring. Oh boy, it wasn't exactly easy, and I had to re-do so many times those climbs and jumps that I began feeling really light-headed. It didn't help that WF continued to move the mouse every now and then despite WY's stern 'warnings' to stop.
At about this time, YP, BK, WS & WP arrived. WP, who having completed the entire game some time ago and so is quite an expert in it, began to also advocate the use of the mouse. This was echoed by WS too. Even R commented that using the mouse would be quite 'essential'.
"But moving the mouse is making me even more giddy!" I screamed in exasperation. Seeing the state I was in, WY asked gently, "Mum, would you want me to help you for this level?"
I declined his kind offer. Then he began to encourage me, "Mum, don't worry, you can do it. Just keep trying, don't give up."
Just as I thought I was about the clear the 4th ring, I missed and had to start the climbs all over again.... "It's ok, Mum. They all say Practice Makes Perfect. It is ok to miss it, just try your best again. You can do it, really!"
Ah, I was so comforted to hear these words of wisdom and inspiration, I almost cried. And so, despite feeling increasingly giddy (by then, I felt as if I was in a sampan on some choppy seas!), I persisted. How could I give up, right?!
When I eventually managed to clear that 5th ring, it was such a relief! I think sitting for an examination was easier!
Once again, WY saw the 'difficulty' I was in, he offered, "Mum, may I help you to clear the next ring?" Again, I declined, "Let me try it. I think I can do it."
So, I did all those climbs and jumps all over again, and finally cleared the 5th ring. WY cheered, "Yeah! Well done, Mum! Good try! Keep it up! Now there is only one more to go....."
By now, my head was really in a spin. I was feeling so faint from the giddiness that I could hardly move my shoulders....
The 6th ring was finally cleared after much struggle. WY cheered me on, but I couldn't take it anymore.
"WY, help me to clear the next ring, and you can take over the laptop after that," I told WY, much to his delight (and relief) as I stumbled away from the table.
I tried to recover from the truly intense giddiness sitting on the sofa in the living room. It didn't help. Neither did the children singing on the Variety Show on the TV then.
Eventually, I stumbled to Mother's room, switched on the aircon and slept. Thank goodness, the one-hour nap helped.
I guess, Madagascar is just not for me.

1 comment:
What you experienced is called (drum roll).....aging.
No la, kidding.
It is therefore prudent to reduce or limit computer games for this condition.
Playing too much games (actually the moving pixels and flashing cartoons) may also permanently distort the growing eyes of children.
Why 8 of 10 children in developed countries (who has PCs) have myopia?
TV is another culprit. Flashing cartoons (pokemon) sent many japanese children to hospital a few years back. All of them had eye and dizziness problems.
Don't mean to preach, but watch out for the time limits.
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