Saturday, May 19, 2007

Smart Taxi Driver

I felt super awful in the office yesterday afternoon. So at about half past 3, I decided to come back home to rest.

I grabbed a taxi. Its driver turned out to be rather knowledgeable. He also didn't mince his words discussing how the Government Salary Top-up offset package was all for show.

He went on talking about many things, from his views on why Singapore does not seem to be able to improve its relations with its neighbours to the falsity of perceived good that holding the F1 Race in the CBD would bring to Singapore. All seemed fair comment, but I couldn't talk much in response because my cough was very bad.

One thing he shared, though, which I though might be worth noting is his suggestion that if one day, we should be hit by a drunk driver from behind us, we should keep our calm. So long as there is no bodily injury and the only damage is that to our vehicle, we should take down the particulars of the drink driver's vehicle and NOT call the police. This was because if police came into the picture and it turned out to be a drink-driving case, then we would be in the worst of luck as far as damage to our vehicle is concerned - the insurance companies will not pay for any repairs.

In other words, just treat it as any 'normal' kissing-our-butt accident, exchange particulars/note down registration numbers etc, then part ways. Go through the iDAC process, go workshop and claim against the drink-driver.

Makes sense, doesn't it?


KayAngMo said...

Sometimes I think this way: If one complains so much, why still stay around and complain?
Why does the taxidriver not DO SOMETHING about it?
Go away to Malaysia, Thailand? Leave? Make things better?

Or why don't just shut up?
Complaining got use meh?

lplp said...

Not everyone can drop everything and just go. No, not everyone can do this. Only a few privileged ones can. Privileged enough to have no qualms about dropping everything.

GST - what do you expect him to do? Stop spending? Stop feeding his family?

Conversely, some people "got out" already but still complain. Should they??

Btw, that taxi driver wasn't "just complaining". He was merely sharing his analysis and views on the situations around us.