Thursday, May 24, 2007

End of Term 2

Since Monday, WY has been attending a BICEP language-training camp at 文化艺术团 arranged for all the P4 BICEP classes of the 5 SHHK schools. This is a full-day programme, with the children reporting to school at 7:25am as usual, travelling to Toa Payoh by a chartered bus and then returning to KHS at about 5:30pm, each day. The camp is due to end today.

WY says the camp is interesting, and has brought him new friends from other schools. I think it is good that he is familiar with the venue and organisers of the camp, too.

But WY has been so tired out at the end of each day that he literally fell asleep after dinner at Mother's place. It didn't help that he is still recovering from his cough (for which he is still on medication).


Last evening, WY told us in a rather 'relieved' tone that he has received his report book. He said his grades (banding) were the same as those he received for SA1 last year.

When I opened the report book, this was what they were:

EL: band 1
CL: band 2
Maths: band 1
Science: band 1.

And yes, WY is correct - he had received identical grades (banding) for SA1 in P3. The only difference, however, is that the actual scores were different - vastly different.

Sigh. Anyway, WY agreed that he needs to buck up and improve his scores if his aim remains to be in the best class next year. So he agrees that corrective action will be needed. And we will do up a plan for the coming holidays to do this.


There is no lesson for the children in KHS tomorrow because it is Meet-the-Parents day. In other words, term 2 ends today.

So WY has to discuss with his form teacher how the plants in the class will have to be cared for - be it letting the teacher bring them to her staff room in the hoidays or getting WY to bring them home until term 3 starts. I hope WY remembers to make these arrangements.

We are also going to KHS on Saturday for its Family Day carnival. The plan is that while R will bring WY and WF to the stalls and stations for the various activities, I will meet up with WY's form teacher for a discussion on his performance. I have requested to meet the CL teacher too, if she is also available. I hope something useful will come out from the discussions.

1 comment:

369369369 said...

OK. let us work out the plan this weekend.