Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Where Is It?

Remember our very recently-born, brand new Recycling Bin?

Well, it is ............................................. (*drum rolls*) ............................... no longer anywhere to be seen! It's been missing for the last 4-5 days already!! And we have several items waiting to feed it with!!!! Who has taken it?! Where is it now?!!

Hello! Does anyone know??.....

Or.... has it died a mysterious premature death as earlier suspected/feared?? Hmmm....


KayAngMo said...


Hahahahaha....i told you so.

lplp said...

And I forgot to add:

After they got this pretty recycling bin, they no longer arrange for the fortnightly collections by the recycling company liao!!!!!

So, it is a One Step Forward + Two Steps Backward = One Step Backward!!!
