This was roughly how I had spent it:
I woke up with a badly-aching back from having slept on mattress for over a week in a row. Got breakfast and stuff ready for WY. Usual morning chores, including hanging up the additional load of laundry which had been washed in the machine overnight.
Then it was time to get WF up for visit to the paediatrician because fever had returned the evening before. At the clinic, I discussed with the doctor how WF's nose had bled and how he got several blue-black bruises on lower legs again. Doctor also noted that WF had looked a shade paler than usual. I shared with the doctor my concerns that WF seems to get bruises easily etc.
After a detailed discussion on the possibilities, which range from the least serious eg deficiency of iron and vitamin K etc, to the most serious - the dreaded blood disorder called: Leukaemia (yes, it is one 'common' cancer which can affect children.....), we decided to order a comprehensive blood test for WF.
当时,我的心很乱,简直就是七上八下!因为之前,我已经听说了,血癌的其中一个早期征兆,就是身上不时出现“瘀青”。 而 WF 的脚上,也是常有“瘀青”, 不管我怎么问,多半都问不出个究竟,到底脚是真的跌伤了或“瘀青”是怎么来的。
所以,一直以来,每当我看到 WF 的身上任何一处有“瘀青”,我的心里都又怀疑又害怕。没有人分享这些怀疑、害怕和担心的那种感觉,很难受。
So we proceeded to East Shore for the blood test. On the way, I had to 'brief' WF what to expect. I tried my best to make it sound as 'light-hearted' and simple as possible. Thank goodness, he is a brave and cooperative boy and he did not cry etc. After the specimen was taken, we went home. The lab would fax the results to the clinic in about 2 hours' time.
When we reached Mother's place, Mother cooked soup noodles for WF.
At about 1:30pm, I went upstairs to hang up yet another load of laundry.
Finally, at about 2:10pm, the clinic called and said that the blood test was all clear. Everything was ok, nothing to worry about.... phew.....
I took a quick shower at almost 3:00pm, then rushed out to grab a cab to WY's school. His cca would end about 3:30pm. He was not taking the cca school bus home that day because if he did, he would reach home at the earliest 4:30pm. That would not do because WY had been scheduled to report to school again at 4:45pm that afternoon for a special SYF outing arranged by the school.
So, I waited for WY at the gate after alighting from the cab. When WY came, we quickly caught a taxi opposite the school. But there was a huge traffic jam at PLR and so by the time we reached home, WY had only about half hour to shower, change and have some food before we had to rush off again.
Of course I yelled and shouted at WY to hurry up etc, as he showered and changed. Then he dashed off to Mother's place to eat the noodles that Mother had insisted on preparing for him. I think poor WY was also very *shack* at all this rush....
He must have gobbled his food down as quickly as he could, because by the time I showered and got to Mother's place 10 minutes later, he had already finished it and was all ready to move. So we both ran out of the lift once we reached the ground floor, and started to look for a cab frantically. None was in sight at first, then fortunately, we got one next to the basketball court.
By the time we reached the school, all his classmates were already seated at the canteen and waiting in line. From a distance, I saw WY scurry to report to his teacher and then return to join his friends. I saw from my hp that the time then was 4:55pm. Sigh, 10 minutes late.
I stumbled to the bus-stop. When the bus came about 10 minutes later, I could hardly find the energy to flag it. So I let someone else do the flagging.
I alighted from the bus along Nicoll Highway and made my way to Concourse. There, I sent WY's spectacles to the optician - the nose pads had come off the week before and had to be replaced. Then I proceeded to Wan Yang for an urgently-needed back-cum-foot massage which took almost an hour in all.
By the time I stepped out of Wan Yang, it was about 6:35pm. I staggered to the bus-stop to catch the bus to WY's school (yah, again!) for the "New Subject-Based Banding System" briefing for P4 parents scheduled at 7:00pm. The traffic jam along the way was incredible and it had started to rain. Luckily, I made it to the school hall about 5 minutes before 7:00pm. Only my shoulders got wet.
The briefing ended at 8:20pm, by which time it was raining cats and dogs. I decided against waiting in the school for WY because he was scheduled to return to the school only at about 9:50pm. So I braved the rain and hailed a taxi just outside the school and headed home.
On the way, a very unhappy colleague N called to share some grievances. I also started to feel a bit nauseous. When the cab reached the market, I told the driver to pull over at the hawker centre. And I ended up eating a bowl of hot and spicy prawn noodles there.
The rain had subsided when I finished the food. I walked home and ran into the hot shower. The shower never felt as good before.
Then, as R went to fetch WY home, I took over the care of WF until WY returned. By the time I finally went to sleep, I was too exhausted to even utter a response to WF's "Goodnight" to me...........

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