It was very frustrating for WY and me because most of the time, I would not be able to give WY all the materials which he asked for. So WY would often not be able to complete on time the task set or to hand up the assembled thing as required the following day. Although WY would usually reassure me that it would be ok to hand up the assignment later, it was always very tormenting to know that the assignment could not be done immediately only because of the lack of materials.
This was especially bad for WY's morale, I think, because most (if not all) of his classmates would somehow be able to meet the challenge. And poor WY would have had to 'share' with his classmates their assembled thing which the teacher would have them discuss in class.
So, I decided to stock up many items at home. Anything which can possibly become 'needed' at short notices. So things like art & craft glue, plain & coloured ice-cream sticks, long & short satay sticks, clips of varying sizes, ribbons of varying width & designs, 'vangard' papers, A4 coloured paper, origami paper, plain & coloured beads, buttons of different colours & sizes, different types of strings & threads, labels of varying shapes, big & small stickers are all now available at home.
I also make sure now that we have some balloons, paper & plastic cups and plates etc etc at home. Sometimes, I also keep a handful of kitchen towel rolls (which are more firm than toilet rolls) on standby. Several metal & plastic boxes are also put aside, in case they are needed. I also have several pairs of gloves amongst the 'provisions' at home.

Some time last year, I gave feedback to the school and teacher and told them that they should refrain from this kind of super-short notice stuff. And there seems to have been some improvement. So far this year, there hasn't been any more of such last-minute rush to amass various materials to assemble something.
No more, that is, until about 2 weeks ago. WY told me after we picked him up from CH school on Monday evening, that he needed to make a model of the respiratory system. And that this model would be needed one day after the following day. The materials required were: a PET bottle, a straw, a clear plastic bag, a balloon, plasticine and some rubber bands.

What a relief it was, that WY was able to complete fixing that model of the respiratory system the following day at CH school (we brought the materials to CH so that he could do this more 'leisurely' in the afternoon rather than in a hurry at night). And he was able to use his model in class during lesson and have it handed up to the teacher at the end of the lesson.
I think that sense of being able to complete everything on time, show and share his model with his classmates during class and handing it up to teacher for comment/assessment at the same time as all the rest of the class, is VERY IMPORTANT. And I share WY's sense of satisfaction for this assignment. :)
Yesterday, WY had his piano exam in the morning. He went to school after that and then went home (not CH school) after dismissal. I had taken leave and so was at home to revise his CL with him.
After we completed what we could cover for CL, WY brought out his Science Activity Book and showed me the assignment he was to complete: to make a stethoscope (ha?!) to measure the pulse rates of a baby/young child, a child his own age, an adult and an elderly. And then he was also to use this handmade stethoscope to measure his own pulse rate while at rest, while walking and after running on-the-spot for several minutes.

My heart sank when I saw the list. It is almost incredible but we have funnels (of varying sizes, in fact!) and tape. But we don't have any suitable plastic tubing! (Our water-hose would have been too coarse for this!)
So, how?!
Suddenly, WY got up from his chair, dashed into my bedroom and opened the drawer of my wardrobe. Then, in a split second, he was back and said excitedly, "Mama, we can use this, lah!"

After dinner, WY lined up his 'candidates' for measurement: 'young child' = WF (who was more than willing and happy to oblige), 'child his own age' = WY himself and 'adult' = me. Actually, 'elderly' = Mother but Mother had already gone back to her place by then, so we ended up with an estimated pulse rate for 'elderly'.
啊,有了这么齐全的 'provision store' (we even have ready candidates on standby!!),还有什么可以难得倒我们的?! Hahahhaa.....
Ha ha ha ha,
when I want to showcase what is "kiasu" to my swiss friends, I know where to look...
At my workplace, I have "almost" everything that everyone needs. Even if I do not have the item, I would be able to tell the colleagues where to get them.
Tell you this - I even have an iron in my company's cupboard - why? simple! I need to iron cloth which I used as back-drop when I take photos of miniature items for my company's projects.
So many eyes "pop" out when they saw my iron!
Woah! Iron in office cupboard! Got to hand it to you, man! Hahaha....
My colleague N also has everything from rice cooker to toaster oven to bamboo poles etc etc. She's known to be THE person to go to for anything we can possibly want in the office.
I think you and her probably can fight for the title of 'Miss Have-All'!!! Hahahahha.....
I left out in the list of things I standby at home: Green beans, Red beans......
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