I checked with the school where WF goes to for his music lessons and was told that the recommended place (under this school) to go to is the Contempo Music School at Plaza Singapura. But the course is only for teens 14 years and older.
So, I told WS the little that I found out. He said that when BK brought him to enquire at the Contempo previously, they had been told the same thing. So, WS is a little disappointed but 'resigned' to it, lor.
I suggested to WS that perhaps he should consider going for an introductory course in the classical guitar for the time being so that he can grasp the rudiments which will help him pick up the Electric Guitar course more easily later on. But WS is not keen on this; he said he will wait and see first.
Recently, I booked the examination studio at another music school in Parkway Parade for WY to practise his piano in. (He will be sitting for his piano examination tomorrow morning. I hope he can do his best for all the subjects, including sight-reading, which he seems to be weakest in.)
Whilst waiting for one of our practice sessions, I had asked the person-in-charge of that school if they have any music course for Electric Guitar. They said no, but they are working on some programme to see if it would be viable to venture into the pop/jamming circle of things.
So, it does look like (at least for now) WS has some waiting to do afterall. Unless, of course, BK and YP are ready to arrange for some special personal coaching for him in the meantime - even then, suitable contacts are needed.
When we were at that school, WY and I also looked around its showroom (which is a very small place compared to Yamaha's). They carry another brand of pianos and other musical instruments.
Suddenly, WY popped a question, "Mama, can I learn to play the guitar?" I paused momentarily to look at him and said, "Yes."
WY's eyes literally lit up! And he broke into a big wide grin! I think he did not expect me to agree so readily to this request.
So, we discussed briefly and came to this deal:
He will do his best for his piano and school examinations. I will source for a suitable course to get him started on the guitar. And then, we will get a suitable guitar for him (unless, of course, our by-now-an-antique classical G225 which was last used by HA is still available - I don't know, must check with HA). We will target to start on the course after the year end SA2.
WY is elated at the deal. He even suggested that in the meantime, perhaps I can teach him the basics first. "You can teach me the simple chords first, lah, Mama," he proposed and went on, "I heard that you can play the guitar quite well, right?"
Ermm...... yes, I think I can remember how to play it although it has been more than 2 decades since I last strummed the guitar. But I will need some 'refresher revision' first - lots of it, in fact, I suspect.
Actually, I am quite glad that WY is interested in the guitar. I support learning to play the guitar. For self enjoyment as well as social revelling, I think it is good to be able to play the guitar.
I learnt to play the guitar at the CC when I was in P6. The Elementary + Intermediate + Advanced courses were all completed at the CC.
I remember that my teacher was a Mr Don who rode a motorcycle to the Sunday afternoon classes. There were about 10 students who were mainly grown-up men. The oldest was an unmarried man about 40 years old then, who lived in our block.
The lessons were easy and quite relaxing. At times, it was very slow (because the more 'elderly' uncles could not catch up!) and I would get a little bored and impatient. But otherwise, it was quite fun strumming and plucking away at those 6 strings. :)
Now, I am looking forward to doing all those strumming and plucking again.... it will be even more fun this time because I will be doing it with my son! :)

Hi there , I know about WS's interest in e-guitar, but I am unsure if it is 3-min hotness.
One regret I have is, I lost the Yamaha guitar. I think it is not in my PLW flat. I remembered I brought it to my friend's house 1 time, and left it there. I forgot about it for some time, and then when I asked him for it, he first denied it was ever there, but later admitted maybe his mother had cleared up his room and given many things away without his knowledge.
So that is end of story, unless YP (who helped me clear my flat) saw it there somewhere.
Well, I am glad WY is interested also. But is that a good idea really? Since he is already playing piano. Hmm. We'll see.
Use this chance to strike an agreement with WY is correct.
He needs 50% of the ethusiasm he has for guitar to be transferred to his Chinese.
Woah lao eh! This kind of Give-Away-People's-Things "friend"!!
Ok, I will check with YP.
If it really turns out that that person had 'given' it away (my guess is, it is more likely that he had sold it away for a neat sum), then the only consolation we will ever have is this:
The knowledge that this person's integrity is but a mere S$200+.
...................... umm, but then, S$200+ twenty-five years ago was a fortune to me already.....
Ok, checked with YP already. Confirmed not at PLW flat.
Sian to know this. Damn that "friend".
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