Back then, I didn't really appreciate the offer, and for several years, I would simply give the ticket away to colleagues who asked for it. Some years, there would be one single ticket; other years, it would be a pair of tickets.
Then, one year, Mother suddenly became interested in the NDP and asked if I had tickets for it. I hadn't the faintest idea that she would be interested in being part of that giant NDP crowd and so, by the time she asked, I had already given away my tickets. Mother scolded me quite harshly for it (weird, hor?), saying that I should have offered them to her 1st before I released them to colleagues! Sigh.
Then, as WY became older, we thought it would be a good idea to let him experience what watching the NDP 'live' at the stadium involved and how it felt. So, we started to get YP to use her lobangs to try to get tickets to the NDP Previews or Rehearsals.
Thanks to YP who successfully got us tickets for several years, WY was able to join that giant NDP crowd at the stadium/Padang for the parades. The year before last year, YP managed to get enough tickets for herself + BK + WS + WP as well as for R + WY + WF + me! Father, Mother and CP were not keen to go.
Last year, WS watched the NDP rehearsal called the NE Show which is open to all P5 students. And because YP herself, BK & WP were not so keen to go to the stadium again (because they didn't want to be showered again with all those fireworks dust which was what happened to them in the preceding year because they had sat close to the spot where the fireworks were shot from), YP passed all her tickets to us.
In the end, we even had 2 spare tickets which we then offered to the Director of WY and WF's CH school plus her daughter. They were both so grateful for the 'treat'. WY and WF also had great fun at the stadium watching the NDP 'live'.

YP's lobangs didn't yield any tickets this year. So I submitted all our names and NRIC numbers for the national ballot for the much sought-after NDP tickets. By a stroke of luck, we managed to successfully ballot for 2 tickets for the actual-day event. Actually, it was Mother' NRIC number which was drawn for the tickets, but Mother said she would prefer to watch this year's parade from the comfort of her sofa.
So it has already been decided by now: R will bring WY to the NDP at Marina Bay whilst all the rest of us will watch the broadcast from home. Going by the traffic advisories, I think they probably should take the public transport.
1 comment:
You know something, the Singapore Mission were very keen to get the overseas Singaporeans to go to the "singapore geneva embassy" for a get-together for National Day.
Funny thing is: the date is not on 9 aug, but on another day (sometime in end July if I remember correctly). It was way off.
In fact I think they were trying very hard, since they sent us an invitation card (nice one) and even called me on my handphone to check (who knows how they got hold of my handphone number).
However, I think they chose the wrong person/s to organise or telephone. She sounded so insincere and mechanical. I immediately said no, because I said we had no time. (sort of true too)
Besides, the trip will mean a 3-hour drive (1way for us) and there are no hotelling options on offer.
I was told by someone who went to such an event before, that the food was so-so and it was prepared by the Missionary's wife herself and not even catered by some professional restaurant or party-service.
Maybe she thinks it is more personal (but I think it is cost-savings), because it would mean at least 50chf per head, excluding drinks or wine. (Do they offer wine?).
To be fair, they tried their best. However I am not about to stay 7000km away from kiasu singaporeans, and then spend 1 or 2 days on the road, to mingle with them again.
I can well imagine the long queues and kiasu behaviour I may witness at this party.
Call me inconsoleable. I am beyond cure.
PS: Be very glad you still enjoy NDP.
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