她说,上课的时候,WY 大多时候都有专心听课。可是,有时他会心不在焉,望着窗外发呆。 老师要同学们做的功课,WY 也不时没有做、没有交。 今天早上,老师刚狠狠地训了他一顿, 因为前个星期的画报作业没有做,上个星期的周记有没有写!
什么?! 没做功课、没交功课?!昨天和前天,我还一直问、一直提醒,有功课还没做的吗?WY 都说没有!!
我跟老师说了,WY 刚在学校假期的时候,开始在语文中心上华文补习课。 上个星期,也刚刚开始参加那个语文中心的写作班。希望接下来,WY 在笔试方面的表现,会好一些。
老师也问道,WY 在家里有常讲华语吗?我就说,很少。她建议我们多用华语跟WY 交谈,也让WY 多读一些华文书籍,希望这样可以让WY 多以华语“思考”,能让写作和理解方面好一些。现在WY 似乎是用英文“思考”,然后在脑子里拼命地翻译成华语,所以跟他讲话的时候,老师发现他常常是“陆陆续续”、吞吞吐吐的,好像表达不出他要讲的话。我也有同感。
最后,老师也说她会把WY ‘看得紧’一些。我也要求她,对WY 要严厉一点,该罚的时候,就罚。老师说,有啊!今天早上,刚罚了WY 多写一篇周记! 当然,我也会尽量配合,在功课方面,多跟他温习等等。
谁有妙丹灵药,服了可以让WY 的华语、华文程度一日千里的啊?! 快把它让给我吧!!啊!!!!!!!。。。。。。

1 comment:
When it is my turn for Joel and Sarah's education, this view may change to mimic yours.
1. I don't agree that you should tell the teacher to punish WY as and when it deems "right" to her.
Has she tried another method, instead of punishing this "thinker"? Perhaps you and her are from another generation where punishment seems the most effective and natural way to "bring out his best" again?
(Again this is purely an opinion now, no need to defend or shoot back at me. I know you may not agree, but at least hear me out)
2. Our Joel is also weak in his mother tongue. Mandarin. Whose fault? Ours purely. We began again to speak to him, using Mandarin and he is improving. More often than not, it is the family environment, plus now it is the school environment. I remember during our time, speaking Mandarin is so uncool. Not that I am complaining then, or even now. But due to so many factors, it contributes to WY or any "common Singaporean student" to face difficulties to learn and master Mandarin.
3. There is something that the Swiss people do here to master English. They go on language emersion holidays. They will take say 6 months to Australia or England to immerse themselves in an English speaking environment.
Now I know WY has no such luxury to go overseas for such a long time.
What about making an environment, where you and all at home will speak Mandarin for 1 or 2 weeks (totally). Those who break the rules, shall be penalised with singing a song in public or something creative like that.
Hmm. Good idea hor? Try it out.
As I said, when it is my turn, I may become a monster, even worse than you.
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