Monday, July 16, 2007


Last evening, we had an ultra-simple dinner of steamed bak-chang and assorted fruits. WF had his cereal and cheese in addition to his cup of apples (followed by a 'Thomas' cake later in the night).

Whilst having our fruits, WF offered his stretched-out hands and started to play with me:

set, set, set!
bing-bong, bing-bong, bing-bing-bong!

We played this several rounds. Sometimes he 'won', other times I did. Both of us giggled and laughed as we looked to see whether we had 'scissors' cutting 'paper', or 'paper' wrapping 'stone' or 'stone' knocking 'scissors'. It was great fun!

Then WY, who had been looking on, decided to join in. So WY and WF began to play between themselves as I got back to eating my food.

set, set, set!
bing-bong, bing-bong, bing-bing-bong!

Rounds after rounds they went. Then gradually, they 'shortcut' the game and it became only an abridged:


After a while, WY gleefully declared, "WF, I know your strategy already!" WF just gave him an innocent look and went, "Ha?"

Actually, WF's strategy was very simple - for each new round, he would 'follow' whatever the winning sign was in the previous round. For example, if WF had used 'paper' to win WY's 'stone', then WF would continue to use 'paper' for the next few rounds until his 'paper' gets defeated by WY's 'scissors'. Then WF would adopt 'scissors' for the next few rounds until this loses to WY's 'stone', after which WF would show 'stone' and so on. So, after a while, it was naturally easy for WY to realise what WF's strategy was.

But the boys continued on nevertheless, with more rounds of their long-chium-pases.... Not unexpectedly, WY kept 'winning' WF. Then, suddenly, WF decided to try something different. To the surprise of everybody, he showed this:


Of course, we all roared with laughter! Then WY told him that there isn't such a sign in the game.

So WY and WF went on another round:

selli-selli- l...o...n...g.... - c...h...i...u...m... - p...a...s!

And WF showed this:

Hahahahah!!!!!! We all laughed again! WY asked WF what that was, to which WF answered after pausing for a moment, "A car." "Ha?! That sign is for 'OK' lah," WY responded amidst all that laughter......

And so, we ended our dinner on an 'OK' note.

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