Now that the exams are over, we will be trying to make plans for the year-end school holiday.
I am for making a trip out of Singapore. Maybe for a week or so. But I don't know where to go yet or what we'll do. R has no idea yet either.
But whatever the destination and programme, it has to be affordable and achievable, ie within our budget and can be achieved during whatever vacation leave we can take.

WY had earlier in the year asked to go visit China to scale the Great Wall and to view 秦始皇的兵马俑. I was all for it though now I am not so sure - safe or not?

As for WF, he asked last week, "Mama, when is Christmas?" I replied, "Christmas is on 25 December every year."
"Yeah! Then snow will come on 25 December, correct?" WF asked excitedly. "Umm, snow won't come to Singapore," I tried to explain. "Yah, it doesn't snow in Singapore," WY chipped in.
But WF persisted, "But snow will come on Christmas!"
Much to WF's indignance, WY chuckled, "Don't be silly, lah, WF. It has not snowed in Singapore before, and it will not snow on Christmas in Singapore."

So, now the question remains - Where shall we go? What shall we do? Time to check out the ads and perhaps, visit some agencies soon.
** Both boys reminisce quite a fair bit of our Swiss 'expedition' undertaken 2 years ago, but as much as we would like to let WF make his snowman and have his snowball fight, we all know that a visit to Europe is today beyond budget and so unlikely to materialise anytime soon. How I wish this isn't the case.....
How can we entice you to come here?
We cannot guarantee snow at our home, but there is surely snow in the mountains, and we can book a chalet for you, arrange the things. Skiing lessons is best in Switzerland mountains. Where else?
You may also want to visit the Xmas markets, very nice and different.
Budget? We can spare you some if you tell us. Can check the airfares...i heard KLM is very cheap.
BTW, maybe need to convince Mother to stay home with us, while you 4 go by yourself. Remember Paris?
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