So, I hastily grabbed our camera and got ready to take some photos of his performance.
As the children proceeded to go 'on stage', they were prompted by their speech & drama teachers to introduce themselves by 'singing out' their names. And after a brief exchange of greetings also prompted by these teachers, the performance began.
It turned out that the K1 and K2 children were going to stage their version of the evergreen fairy-tale, the 3 Little Pigs for us. The girls were divided into 3 groups, each representing one Little Pig. All the boys were the Big Bad Wolf (Wolves).
The props were minimal and very basic. The sound system was rather bad. But the audience were quite enthusiastic nevertheless, and cameras went snapping away busily. The children danced and sang and we all did our part clapping and applauding as we should.
After the Big Bad Wolves had gone about 'huffing & puffing' to blow down the straw house, then the wood house, and after the 3 Little Pigs finally 'triumphed' over the Big Bad Wolves at the brick house, the teachers suddenly brought the children on board some Space Shuttle and they all ventured to Space. More singing and dancing followed.
The mini-concert came to an end when the Space Shuttle finally returned to Earth and landed. Then, it was time to pack up and go home.
WY and WF each lugged home their bags bursting with Children's Day presents from the CH School and their teachers. After they had their showers, all the presents were unwrapped. To WF's delight, there were several 'Transformers' notebooks, pencil cases, a 'Cars' sticker book and various stationary items.

I reluctantly agreed - reluctant because I realise that both WY and WF had been rather 'shielded' from such heaty junk food and so are very curious how the cheese-twirls taste, and yet I know there is nothing good to be gotten from such heaty junk food except risk WF getting nose-bleed later. (Besides, I don't want them to eat these 'behind my back' as they may be more likely to do if it's always a "no-no" at home, right?)

The boys obligingly downed a big cup of barley water each after they finished their quota of 3 pieces, satisfied to have been able to try the snack as promised, even though it was already 11pm.
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