I saw a young woman taking some photographs of the New Footpath with her camera phone. So, that gave me an idea! Why not post some photos here, just for update?!
So, I zipped out our camera which I happened to have with me that day. And as I walked along the New Foothpath, I took these photos.
Starting from the PIE underpass:
I walked alongside PIE towards B120:
Then I reached the part of B121 where the PCF kindergarten used to be located:
After that, I caught sight of a lone jogger using the New Footpath. He made a U-turn at the 1st circle then headed back towards B121 again:
Then I took photographs of the completed part of the tiled area as seen from various angles, starting from the point where HA and I used to wait for our school bus more than 2 decades ago. 从照片中看起来,这里仿佛是什么公园里的空地,不是吗?挺似模似样的,很美,真是挺不错的,哦?Perhaps I was overreacting, but we have been so deprived all these years, mah... so must understand my excitement:
And I thought, since I was already there, I might as well also take some photographs of the uncompleted portion:
Interestingly, I saw that there is going to be a special corner with some pebble-studded foot reflexology path. I think it will probably be popular with the aunties (and sometimes, uncles too) who regularly chit-chat at the stone benches there:
There is also going to be a mini-raised platform next to the RC. It reminds me of the spartan concrete 'stage' we used to have in BPS for assemblies (only that there are no giant Angsana trees here):
After I crossed the road to head home, I suddenly remembered that there is also a stretch of the New Footpath next to our block. So I proceeded to check this out:
It looks like the New Footpath will run along the perimeter of our precinct and end in a circle right in front of our block:
Maybe there's less excuse now, not to take a walk around the blocks after dinner on some evenings? Maybe WY can start his cycling lessons now?? Hhmm......
1 comment:
Would it mean our flats will fetch a higher resale price?
I can raise my rent also?
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