Personally, I think this is an inevitable trend. I guess it will be very much like Valentine's Day. Gradually, it will become just another commercial-driven excuse to don some scary-looking gothy gear and throw parties. So long as nothing is over-stretched and nothing becomes too extreme, I think it is ok.
It will remain important to remember our own culture and traditions, of course, including the 7th Lunar Month.
We received a note from the CH teachers a few days ago that the children will be having a mini-Halloween party on the morning of 31 October 2007. As usual, they requested contribution towards the potluck party, and asked that the children be allowed to attend school in their Halloween costumes (as if many of us own such costumes, hor?!) or home clothes that day.

For the Halloween gear and props, the party-supplies shop near my office was a natural choice haunt. Before lunch, I stole a few minutes to take a peek into their website (see, I do my homework 1st, no matter how 'rushed').

Then, to my surprise, there were also many non-ang-mo's who were paying for an assortment of Halloween props such as Count Dracula fangs, capes, witches' hats, spears etc etc!! Some were even enquiring about make-up face paint etc!!! Woah!

But I must admit, all the props and ornaments displayed were so novel to me and they all seemed so exciting! Some props were also so incredibly authentic-looking that I wondered if people would get them confused with the real thing! Some ornaments and displays also came with motion-detectors and would start making a scary 'wh..i...r...rr....l....ing' ghostly sound as we clap our hands or pat them.

Yesterday morning, to both R's and my surprise, WF reminded me, "Mama, on your way home today, you must remember to get a spider for me, ok?" "Ok, I will catch a good one for you," I replied. "And you must put it in a box so it won't get out," WF added.

Yesterday, we told Mother that we would have dinner at her place so that she need not bring up to our place the tingkat. We thought this would be a well-deserved respite for her since she has been painstakingly helping to pack our dinner into the tingkat and bringing it up every evening for some time already. (I will probably update onlysonsmatter later regarding that dinner.)
Soon after dinner and washing-up, I told WY and WF that we had to go home quite soon because we would need to 'feed' WF's spider. "Ha?! What spider?!" WY asked incredulously, with a curious frown on his face.
"Did you really get a spider for me, Mama?!" WF asked with wide, sparkling eyes. "Yes, I caught one giant one on my way home," I said as I tried hard not to laugh.
Turning to WY, WF said jubilantly, "Yeah! I will bring the spider to scare my friends!"
Then, there were a few seconds of silence. Suddenly, WF asked in a concerned tone, "Mama, did you remember to put it in a box? Can the spider escape? Where is it now? Is it in our room?"
Confused, WY looked at me, too. Then, as I burst into laughter....
This morning, when we brought in WF's spider to CH school, it caused a stir amongst the children especially the girls, many of whom were dressed prettily as fairies and angels.
Then, as I got the school cleaner lady to help hang up the skeleton in WF's classroom, the children became so excited and started to chat so enthusiastically amongst themselves that the teachers had to come and 'shoo' them all back into the dining area for their breakfast. Hahhaha....
But it was obvious that WF's props came in very handy. I guess most parents remembered/bothered to have their kids dress up in nice costumes but never thought of props that are not 'put on' their children. I am not surprised.
I hope WF has remembered to distribute to his friends the packs of raisins and candies (leftover from WY's birthday goodie bags but all still at least 6 months away from expiry) which we had placed in the pumpkin bucket last night. And I hope WF has a great time 'scaring' his friends with his mask, spider, skeleton and all!