What does this mean? It means that every Drop (of water) is precious and even though each Drop may not matter much on its own, the sum total of every Drop is what makes an Ocean. So, never look down on any single Drop. Save every Drop and there will soon be an Ocean.
Sigh. I think I 'waste' a lot of money these days.
Recent 'wastes' include these:
1) the $24 premium seat ticket for ACT20 which I had bought for Father - on the morning of the performance itself, I had called to remind him to be home and be ready for the performance early because R would be picking him, Mother and CP from home. Father's simple response was "我不去了。"
It didn't seem to matter that he had gladly said "ok" when I 'booked' his time to go support WY in this show about 1 month before that. Sigh.
2) WY and I have been missing our guitar lessons for 2 weeks in a row now - for the past 2 Sundays, we have had other programmes immediately after the 文化艺术团 lessons. 2 weeks ago, it was our lunch at Xin Cuisine. Last week, it was our movie outing for Ratatouille.
I commented to R that given the attitude of the lousy guitar teacher, I also feel 'sian' to spend 45 minutes facing that stone-faced, smile-less and speak-only-when-I-ask-questions scrawny man. For myself, I really don't feel like going back to him for any more 'lesson'.
So, it looks like the fees that have been paid for remaining lessons for this term will probably just go down the drain, lor.
3) I went with a colleague to Chinatown during our lunch hour 3 days ago. This was my first trip to 'jalan' there after we stopped going there because the Chinatown Complex had closed for major renovation since several months ago. The deco and stuff on display and on sale were all very exciting! I ended up making an impulsive purchase of something very simple and unsophisticated. It didn't cost much money, but I was confident (actually, I still am confident) that it will bring some smiles to the faces of its receipients.
So, the following day during our lunch hour again, that same colleague went with me in search of the nearest post office (we had no idea that it has relocated, so we walked a lot of 冤枉路 to find it) so that I could have the purchase delivered asap. To cut the long story short, I managed to secure a delivery which is promised to arrive in 4 working days. But I ended up paying a delivery cost which is almost 6 times of the cost of the purchase itself! Crazy, hor? But as I stood at the post office filling up all those forms, I told myself, "Never mind the cost, the joy this unexpected delivery will bring to its receipients will be worth it."
Just last night, however, I was told that doing something like this is quite foolish and doesn't make economic sense. Sigh.
Anyway, I still hope that the little ones will be thrilled just the same when it arrives..... or, maybe they may never get to see it because of the lack of economic sense to receive it?........ I don't know.
So, looking back now, maybe the person who had told me some time ago that I might have been much more well-off had I remembered that Every Drop Counts, is right, afterall. I might have been closer to seeing an Ocean rather than only the Pond I currently peek at? Just maybe.... *shrug*.......

"Just last night, however, I was told that doing something like this is quite foolish and doesn't make economic sense. Sigh. "
Sigh myself. I never said it was foolish. My words may have implied this but no.
It was not the correct message that I wanted to portray. As a chinese person educated in Singapore and probably schooled by Confucius type of education, it is normal to say "no need to send presents, not worth to pay tax, etc etc".
However hidden inside each of us, is an eagerness or even a hihg level of wanting to receive presents. Even more precious are surprise presents in the post.
Do you recall how Mother "brainwashed" me into shame for "wanting to borrow toys"? "Never shave eyebrows" was her famous line.
This present sending is even more important and needed for family living outside the home country and away from their loved ones.
In other words, please don't misinterpret our short phone call.
It was a courtesy call, and similarly I heard a not-so-good message "no need to tell us la, Mother can go where she wants and we can make arrangements ourselves"...
I also put that "harsh" statement out of my mind, dismissing it as "outspoken style" and no real harm meant. I only wanted to tell you what happened and not generate any bad feelings.
We are indeed looking forward to your post now. M is looking out for the postman. J too. Your money is never wasted on a family.
On the other hand, your cheappo brother is still dreaming of what he can send back (even before you sent us something). Call him lazy la.
BTW, I heard mother may not come afterall, old lady again?
If it is really because of OL, then I strongly suggest that YOU encourage her to come.
We cannot always become the scapegoat and caretaker.
Afterall, what has OL done for mother and our family during the last 50 years? Constant humiliation and family politicking is all I can remember.
Own fruit ownself eat.
Sarah is growing fast, my sincere intention is that Mother does not miss this growing up part.
We are not able to come back this year, for sure.
And it would be nice for Mother to spend time with Sarah, when she is trying to walk.
We are NOT asking Mother to come here to be our maid. That is our true intentions (mine at least).
BTW, my operation will require me to stay 2 nights in hospital (i just confirmed 1 hr ago). They said it is a minor surgery, but I think the blood thingy is not trivial and they want to make sure.
I believe F is senile.
And I worry because I believe I will also end up like him.
In 1 lifetime of a person, there is limited "intelligence" or level of brain power.
I believe mine was quite widely expanded during the first 30 years of my life. Now it is going downhill, and when I reach F's age, I may also behave in the very same irritating way.
Perhaps I am already irritating to some people.
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