Sometimes, the concerts would be only a small scale one held in the school itself; sometimes, it would be a grander one involving other schools. Usually, I would be involved in these concerts either as a dancer with the Chinese Dance Group or as a trumpeter in the school band.

For Whacko, the boys would usually volunteer to roll very tightly a big bunch of old newspapers (which we took with the teachers' permission from the general office/teachers' room) and tie them into the 'stick'. And this was how we played the game (in case anyone has forgotten what Whacko is all about, as is the case for me):
All players would all sit in a circle and there would be one 'whacker' who held the 'stick' standing right in the middle of the circle. Someone would start by calling out the name of another person seated in the circle, and the 'whacker' would need to whack the person whose name had been called out. If the person whose name had been called quickly called out yet another person's name before the 'stick' landed on him, then the 'whacker' would need to whack that other person instead. Anyone whose name was called out but failed to call out someone else's name before the 'stick' landed on him, would become the next 'whacker'. And the game went on till we all decided we wanted a break.
Pass the Parcel and Musical Chairs were very much the other de facto party games in those days. 'Forfeits' were simple things like singing a song for everyone, or barking like a dog, etc.
WY is having his class party this morning. Actually, this is a special allowance his very kind and understanding Form Teacher, Miss Lee has granted to the class as a form of encouragement to the children. (The school is not having any special programme for Children's Day - it usually just gives out a Children's Day gift to the students and gives them a day off - which for this year, will be next Monday.)

I think this is a very thoughtful gesture.

So, each time my colleague N receives the GB Nougat, she would generously give one pack to me. Sometimes it is the variety pack, sometimes it would be the original crunchy ones. We all enjoy this special treat we receive from N; WF especially loves the crunchy ones whereas WY likes all the different types.

Meanwhile, here's wishing everyone a Happy Children's Day!

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