She went for an early morning walk instead of joining her friends for their daily 气功 routine at the basketball court. She believes that the dramatic rise in her cholesterol level (particularly the 'bad' low-density lipoprotein aka 'LDL' level) as revealed by her recent blood test, is due to reduced aerobic exercises.

Incidentally, she is full of praises for the new footpath that has been put in place along our side of the PIE (I haven't seen the footpath at all yet). She said it is very useful and she plans to use the footpath more often when the entire improvement works are completed.

Then, she quickly shoved all the fish and meat stuff into the refrigerator before rushing out again, this time to join M's parents for breakfast at the market. (M's parents quite often meet up with Mother to have breakfast together, sometimes at our market and other times at Geylang East.)

Mother then returned home to deal with the fish and meat stuff she had bought earlier in the morning. By the time she was done with all these washing, cutting and slicing etc, it was already noon.
Phew! It sure sounded like a rather dash-y morning to me! But it felt good afterwards, to have accomplished so much, all in one morning. Or so she said.

As a parent myself now, I can fully or close to fully comprehend the parental love that we share. Mother and I.
TO cut a long story short, the reason that I asked her to come to us (2 weeks ago), was that I miss her. Mushy as it can sound, it is the truth.
It is not about tending to the children, or cooking for us, or even quarreling with her. It is about a son missing his mother in a way quite unable to express in words, since I am already a grown man.
Nevertheless, when I see J, insisting that he wants to sleep in my bed and that he is all tears (and in fear of my wrath) when I say no, it breaks my heart to say the least, AM I HANDLING MY SON IN A GOOD WAY?
Many times, I say, why not, just let him sleep in. Then Sarah? She will have no place. Or should we just buy a mega bed? Or make do without a bed frame and sleep on the floor (not a good idea because of coldness in winter).
Anyway, learning about her LDL and the way you describe her morning dashes, it makes me feel guilty more that I am away. Yes, I do feel this guilt once in a while.
Nevertheless, I am not sure if you guys back home know what is real "missing".
Good night.
I dare not say too much, lest I be misunderstood.
Suffice it to just say that if and when I get to Mother's age, I can remain as relatively healthy, socially active and financially sound and independent as Mother is, and my loved ones are healthy and safe, I would be quite contented.
If my children can be and choose to be by my side then, I will of course be very happy. But if, for whatever reason, they cannot be or choose not to be, I will try to be understanding.
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