Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mothers' Day - My Tonic

After the very heavy lunch at Mother's place on Sunday, I went home for a nap. I fell asleep almost instantly after getting WY the crockery he needed for preparing my Tonic - his Mothers' Day present for me, and showing him how to turn on the gas stove.

WY woke me up at almost 8pm, telling me gently that my Tonic was ready. :)

I got up from bed, went to the kitchen still quite dazed. Then WY proudly showed me the Tonic which he has prepared and which he had put into the refrigerator to chill (I had wanted the Tonic chilled). I took a peek. Mmmmmm, 挺似模似样的。

WY then proceeded to add the last ingredient into the Tonic. Woah! :)

The final quantity looked like it would have been too big a bowl for me to eat all by myself. So I helped WY to scoop the Tonic into 2 bowls and a cup. We added ice-cubes, then brought them out to the dining table.

Then, we took a photo of this Special Mothers' Day present WY had painstakingly prepared for me: Birds' Nest Tonic with Pears, Red Dates and Chinese Almonds.

又滋润,又养颜。。。。 吃在口里,甜在心里。。。。。 :)

WF was still sound asleep, so he didn't know what he had missed. Shhh.....

1 comment:

369369369 said...

Mmmm, really looks very good!