我真的是伤心极了, 真的是非常非常心灰意冷。
现在,简直是个哑巴吃黄莲。一方面,面对腐烂不堪的成绩,真想狠狠地教训一番。另一方面,又知道怎么骂也没用,怎么教训也于事无补,还可能越来越糟糕。加上自己身体不舒服,也没心情去讲些什么。所以,到现在为止, 我还没开口骂些什么。
即使我已经提议了上十次, 以最心平气和的口语说:“去想一想,应该怎样利用假期的时间来补救、补救,然后我们再来讨论一下应该怎样计划下一个学期的功课。。。”等等,这些苦口婆心的话,都是耳边风。一天到晚,从学校回来,吃了饭、冲了凉,不是趴在地上玩玩具、看漫画,就是躺在床上看天花板。要不,就是趴在沙发上看电视。 简直就像一把烂泥。

1 comment:
Even normal rubber bands, when stretched too much too often will snap.
Like I always say, Singapore is a society where there is no second chance. No one can afford to "make mistakes" because you have only 1 chance and if you forgo that, you may be streamed into "lousy classes" of not just schools but of society.
Well, you can only do so much, and if he is more a thinker than a doer, perhaps you should work around that approach and not force a Singaporean student way onto him. (sorry, this is my own unsolicited take on the situation).
An artist "tan boh jiat", this may be true, but many times these people are more happy than those working 10 hours a day, rushing here there and everywhere.
If he is "lazy", then let him be (for a while) and let him see the results. If he is not interested in the results, why should any one else be? Parents can only do so much, if the interest is not there, ai ya, never mind lah. It is HIS life.
Perhaps he just needs a wake up call, some time. But when, it is not up to you.
BTW, is he being stretched too much? Does he "enjoy" his school work or his music lessons? During school holidays, it should be a holiday, and not work work and more work from home?
Come on, it may be OUR or YOUR way of life, because of your desired level of living standards, but to him, he may not like or see the need to be so "Bia".
Sorry I got no immediate solutions too.
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