I took Monday off on childcare leave. R and I brought WF to the paediatrician, who started WF on the antibiotics. Throughout Monday, WF remained a radiator. Very worrying, I was super 烦.
By the evening, I was so worn out I felt myself beginning to feel sick too. My neck and back ached like crazy, all thanks to the intermittent naps on the floor next to WF for the past few nights. (Last week, it was WY whom I had to keep company the same way.)
Thankfully, by Tuesday morning, WF's temperature seemed to stabilise. Only a low-grade fever of about 37+ degrees remained. But his cough still sounds very phlegmy - the doctor had called it a 'chesty cough'.
So despite knowing the mountain-high piles of work waiting for me in the office and the very close deadlines they all come with, I decided to stay home one more day on childcare leave to jaga WF.
I also decided to give my appointment with the SNEC a miss. At times like this, I cannot care so much about the monitoring of the eye pressure what not liao, lah. Sian.
孩子生病,最烦的,莫过于母亲。母亲会为了孩子,牺牲一切。什么办公室里的工作、老板的要求等等,都可以抛到脑后。一心一意,就是想把孩子照顾好,把病魔驱赶掉。 这,就是母亲跟父亲的不同。
I am always doubtful about doctors who prescribe Anti-biotics at every visit.
Do you know that this flu or fever could be viral and only the natural body can fight this virus?
Anti-biotics are only good for bacteria flu or fever, which is usually accompanied by constant high temp, as compared to up-and-down temps for viral types.
孩子生病,最烦的,莫过于母亲。母亲会为了孩子,牺牲一切。什么办公室里的工作、老板的要求等等,都可以抛到脑后。一心一意,就是想把孩子照顾好,把病魔驱赶掉。 这,就是母亲跟父亲的不同
Re-reading your post carefully, I saw this.
I don't agree with this entirely.
It is not just mother's job, but father's work as well.
It just happen that more mothers do this task, as compared to fathers.
However, it is also no longer strange to see the opposite is true for many Singaporean career women. Then they should have a "mother-maid's day"...
How ironic.
I always believe that the body has always fought with the germs when the germs invade the bodily system. When the body system fails to win the battle, then the person falls sick.
Hence, when doctors prescribe medication, it is correct! The extra help from medicine will help to better fight germs fast.
Do not take risk when it comes to children as our era is not the ancient years when the environment was more friendly.
Many mothers do more work than fathers when children fall sick. I have seen it at my own workplace too.
Kayangmo is an exception. If your situation is like lp, it may be a very good sign for you, isn't it?
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