So I did a little check on what'snew and available. Eventually, the decision was to get this:

Actually, the task of ordering and delivering the cake was assigned to CP for the simple reason - the bakery is nearest her place.
At the same time, YP also ordered another cake - Mango Almond from Cedele. Mmmm, yummy....
On Sunday, when WY and WF finished their 文化艺术团 lessons, we set off to CP's place. We then proceeded to collect the 'Special' cake before heading home.
R, WY, WF and I had to take a quick shower before going to Mother's place, so we left CP to 'deliver' the 'Special' cake to Mother. I reminded her to let Mother know that the cake was from HA and it was for her (HA's specific instructions). This was conveyed accordingly.
Lunch was sumptious. We had curry vegetables, fishballs, fish, fried beehoon and soup etc. YP and BK had also bought a duck. I had to keep reminding myself to 'save some stomach space' for the cakes later on.
After lunch, the boys all retreated to Mother's room for their computer games. WF tried to join in too, and he had brought along his timer so that it could be clear when his alloted time would begin and end. The timer's quite a good gadget. It has also come in handy these few weeks for WY's revision for exams. :)

The rest of the adults just stayed around and chit-chatted. CP was talking mostly of her company newsletter stuff. I just wanted to relax and do/think nothing, so just mindlessly flipped some Straits Times lying around - only to realise later (when YP pointed out) that they were actually a week old! See, I have been that out of touch with the world.
Anyway, when it was time for the cakes, these were brought out:
Everyone took turns to take photos with the cakes. WY and WP kept themselves very busy trying to make sure that the flame on the candle was not flickering too much. WF didn't have any of the cakes because he didn't feel like it. All for the better, I think, since he just recovered from his bout of fever.
WY and WF gave out the cards (which WY had handmade on Saturday) and the presents for all the mothers. CP was included too, because WY said she can be considered half-mother too. (I forgot to take photos of the cards and presents, so maybe the respective recipients can see if they can post the photos on their respective blogs, lah.)
The close-ups of the cakes and tarts are here:
Good job good work!
The cakes looks smaller than they actually are? Therefore I am pleased.
Thing is: I did not have a chance to talk to Mother, to hear from her if she liked the cake.
Also, I forgot to say that the cake wording should be in Chinese.
Pity about that.
Thanks for organising, the cakes looked damm delicious.
We only had a own-baked chocolate cake here (I baked it).
The bird nest cake was 500g. Not very big, but more than sufficient for all to try.
The cedele cake was quite huge, though.
Maybe you think they look small because you see the strawberry tarts next to them. Actually, the tarts were extraordinarily large (for tarts)! That's why the cakes seem 'dwarfed'?
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