Monday, April 9, 2007

Nose Bleeds

WF's nose bled last evening just as we were tucking into dinner. We were all very shocked because unlike the previous 2 other occasions when WF had nose bleeds, he had not sneezed hard last night.

Anyway, we managed to get him to tilt his head backwards to stop the bleeding. He also cooperated well when R placed the cool-pack headband on his forehead. (I think this was what YP told me to do to elevate nose-bleeding, when I asked her the last time WF had a nose-bleed.)

The blood stopped dripping after a while, but WF asked to be fed his dinner (instead of sitting to eat by himself). I obliged, and it was rather funny to see him still tilt his head slightly backwards as he chewed his food.


CH school is closed today for its Anniversary celebration. So Mother is taking care of WF today.

When she came up to our flat this morning, I told her about WF's nose bleed last evening so that she can look out for any other bleeding throughout today. As we discussed, Mother shared with me how she got her one and only nose-bleed. See onlysonsmatter for the story.


KayAngMo said...

Nose bleeds are usually of 2 kinds.

1. Trauma (like someone punched the nose)
2. Blood vessel burst (can be due to many reasons, usually it is dryness or heatiness)

Tilting back the head, will not stop the nose bleed at all. It is only imaginary.

Putting pressure on the blood vessel, using a clean cotton pad, or using fingers to squeeze the nose area, is good practice. But not too hard that it worsen the burst.

Warning: tilting back the head, opens up the air-way to the lungs, therefore risk of choking on food, is real.

(learned all this from first aid course last year, 400chf!)

Best is to buy some medicated cotton pads (ask at pharmacy) for stopping nose bleed.

Kay Lok Ter

lplp said...

Oh, I see. I will go check with pharmacist and go read up more about it. Thank u - Lok Ter!