Monday, June 23, 2008

Viruses! Bacteria! Fungus! Germs!

Ha! Viruses! Bacteria! Fungus! Germs! Havoc-creators!!

First, they invaded my laptop in the office. And after several exasperating calls to the Helpdesk who kept a brave front and repeatedly 'assured' me that they detected no virus attack on the system etc, my laptop was finally 'cleaned up' with a fresh installation of MS Windows. This took a good 2+ days and plenty of disruption at work.

Hopefully, the bug is now truly gone and doesn't return.

Then, the day after my 'cured' laptop was brought back to me, I went on 4 days of childcare leave (Thursday + Friday, followed by Monday + Tuesday after the weekend). The sudden onset of very high fever (which hovered between 39 degrees and 40+ degrees Celsius) was very shocking, as was its persistence. Luckily, WF was generally quite cooperative in the sponging, showers, medicine-taking and 羚羊water-gulping.

The bill of the GP was $27. That of the paediatrician was $72. WF's missed stay-at-AMK holiday? Priceless. Fortunately, WY was able to proceed with the plan and had tonnes of fun at AMK with CP, WS and WP, what with Kongfu Panda and other exciting outings. In fact, WY got a 'bonus' night-stay at AMK because of WF's fever. WF and I also had to miss the 'Southern Ridges Adventure' which all (except YP) went on Sunday morning.

Last week, we decided to 'make it up' to WF by bringing him to watch Kungfu Panda on our day-off. While R and WF watched the Kungfu Panda, WY and I treated ourselves to another show in the theatre next door. Only thing was, after the show, I couldn't sleep till 2am (and till I had 'talked it out' with R); the show also kept poor WY awake till 4am. Title of show: The Happening. Selected by WY.

In order to collect the NDP tickets, I went to get Mother's NRIC from her wardrobe as per her instructions. I found it and took it with me.

Whilst at M's place, I saw to my horror the condition of F's nails when I spoke to him! Yikes! Every single one of his fingernails was 'flipped' upwards at a 45-degree angle!

Having experienced a fungal infection in one toenail during my JC-days and another in my right thumb about 2 years ago (both of which I managed to have them treated properly and cured completely), I instantly recognised that this is a bad case of nail fungal infection. I cringed at the looks of the deformed nails (I would say F's nails look at least 100 times worse than the worst stage of my condition when I had the infection) and felt very sorry for him.

F asked for M's sewing kit because he wanted to sew on some buttons that had fallen off his trousers. I offered to get him his own set.

The new kit was finally assembled (after much hassle because I had at first stupidly missed out the needles) and I passed it to F in the evening. I also bought Canestan drops for him to use on his nails and painstakingly explained what the infection is all about. Let's hope that he perseveres in the treatment and gets the infection sorted properly. I would estimate that if he is consistent with his Canestan drops and maintains proper hygiene and prevent further cross-contamination (all of which I hope he heeds my advice), the infection could easily take a year or two to clear up.

According to F, none of the doctors he consulted had prescribed anything for this fungal infection. Not the consultant he sees at the NSC for his L, nor the doctor at TTSH whom he visits for his cough, nor the Quack Doctor from B51 whom he consulted for don't-know-what. This is quite incredulous, isn't it?! So much so for being a 'medical hub' and having medical professionals who look after the 'holistic well-being' of patients! I think they forgot to qualify: the patients must not be a nobody.

In fact, the B51 Quack Doctor (yes, the one who gave him the antibiotics which caused him all the allergy problem that complicated the L treatment at first) even had the cheek to ask F to allow him to take photos of the nails 'because this is a rarely-seen condition'!!!!! That *pui* Quack Doctor! It sounded as if he didn't even realise why F's nails look this way! I reiterated to F not to see this Quack Doctor because his medical knowledge is lousy and professional ethics totally non-existent!


So, see? Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus! What a germy week this had been!!

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