Monday, January 7, 2008

'Germs Carrier'??

When Mother mentioned last week that she might consider postponing her trip to CH, both R and I were extremely shocked. "Why?" we asked.

"In case I bring germs over. We can never be so sure about these things, can we?" came the reply.

R tried to explain - given that the incubation period can range from zero to 40 years, for how long does she intend to postpone the trip to?!

I also chipped in, "Erm, then does it mean that you are already 'circulating' the germs amongst all of us here now?"

Mother hesitated. Then she said, "Well, if anything happens to those in CH, it will be very difficult to get medical attention. For people here, even if anything should happen (such as anyone falling sick), it will be easier to get to the doctors, right?"


We think she is confused. Very confused.

Anyway, I hope my accompanying Father to the clinic tomorrow afternoon will help clear the air a little and enlighten us all better.


I hope Mother can be our delivery-man for the 'heavy box' I have chosen for J for his birthday. I am confident J will be thrilled. :)


KayAngMo said...

To be absolutely honest, I am still smarting from this unnecessary disappointment, especially at the beginning of a new year.

If there is even a slight "reason" or motion on Mother's will on not wanting to come, I would prefer that she does not come.

Reason is simple: being her and being me, the risk of this topic or choice re-surfacing during her trip and escalating into an unpleasant situation (argument) is higher than average.

Like many of us, we don't want to invite an unwilling guest(s) to live with us. Why invite trouble?

She should be the one who WANTS to come, and not because WE coerce her to make the trip.

I have yet to explain to J WHY she cannot come, but he knows that maybe she will not come afterall.

Birthday or not, it is not very important to him (really).

Whatever the reason/s she gave, it is her perception which is ultimately the crucial key to her happiness.

I have almost given up hope that she will come willingly and voluntarily. I was overjoyed last year, when Mother told us her plan to visit us without us asking her.

Now I realise, it may not be that optimistic to think this way (anymore). wishful thinking, some may coin it.

Please don't encourage her, unless she wants to come. I understand it is hard for you, but nevertheless this is perhaps a blessing in disguise, who knows?

Please take care of Father, it is a pity I cannot be there. Please also update his status here, when possible.

lplp said...

Mother commented after your post-meeting call where she mentioned to you her intention to postpone her trip, that all you had responded was a nonchalant "ok, lor. you decide it yourself".

And then she added, "If he had said that there is no need to worry or that there should be no concern about carrying germs here or something like that, then ok lah, I will just go according to plan. But he didn't say leh, so it probably means he is also concerned about the possibility of germs being carried over. Better not go, better not go."

No, I am not trying to persuade or dissuade either party to go/receive or otherwise. Like I always say, I don't want to be involved in the decision to go or not to go - I don't want to be seen to have hidden agenda etc either way.

But since this was what was said to me as I did my ironing chore, I feel that I should let this be known.

KayAngMo said...

I cannot win.