The new glasses were ok - they felt kind of weird, actually, but everyone keeps telling me that I look good in them. Anyway, after collecting my glasses, I decided to take a walk to the Esplanade.
As it turned out, it was a big joke to try to walk from Beach Road to the Esplanade in the 2pm sun; it was simply too hot that afternoon. In the end, I made it only to The Gateway, which was one bus stop away from the building where the optician's shop is. The bus service 107 which I eventually boarded brought me all the way to Clifford Pier.
From there, I took a very long walk along the Esplanade Drive towards the 'Durians'. Along the way, I helped a couple take some photos of themselves - it was weird, I thought, that they specifically asked to have the HSBC building in the background?! I obliged them anyway, so they were very happy. Maybe, they were HSBC staff??
Then, I walked further and was soon in the promenade overlooking the Marina Bay, right in front of One Fullerton. I guess you could call me 'sua-ku' but I was surprised to see that one of the many drinking holes there actually had big, square sofa sets laid out in the outdoor refreshment area! The sofas (I suppose they are meant for clubbers to unwind lying down while sipping their drinks? after taking their shoes off?) look exactly like a big double/multiple bed!
When I came to the Merlion Park, many tourists were busy posing for photos with the now-working Merlion. I quite like the spouting Merlion, actually, although it is popularly regarded as nothing more than a tourism symbol of the STB/Singapore.
As I made my way up to the Esplanade Bridge, I suddenly remembered that hey, I had the camera with me! And so, like the other tourists strolling around in the hot sun, I also started to snap some random photos from atop the Esplanade Bridge. All the clicking in this direction and that direction, made me feel very 'touristy'.
When I finally reached the Esplanade, it was such a relief to be in the air-conditioned mall. The decor/exhibition at the atrium has now changed; the lampshades of the hanging lamps looked like some used/unwanted skirts from someone's house, right? But they certainly look quite interesting! Anyway, I certainly prefer this to the broken-wire-mesh or broken-tyre-mess that had been displayed here some time ago. The air-wells were also decorated with some giant flower display.
I found R, WY and WF in the library cafe. By then, I was quite 'shacked-out' by the hot afternoon sun. These 3 boys, seated on the high bar stools at the service counter, were all so 'cool', obviously enjoying their lunch of pasta, nachos and don't-know-what-else and 100% nonchalant about my 'arrival'.
To cool myself down a little, I got myself a Mango smoothie. It cost a bomb and wasn't worth its price. But then, I also sympathise with the cafe operator - if they don't charge a bomb for each of their food item or beverage, how can they survive the ridiculous rents costing them an arm and a leg, too? Sigh.
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