It was easy - no brush was needed. It was 'free-and-easy' - there was no fixed rule on what colour should be applied on each segment. It was fun - many possible colour combinations were free for us to explore. And best of all, it was clean - no mess!
So, during those times, R and I bought many plastic moulds of varying designs and sizes each time we went to the bookshops. Some of the moulds were sold in sets; others were for us to choose. The paints usually came in small and slim bottles, handy for WY's (little then) hands. Some paints were 'matt'; some had glitter in them.
We all completed countless pieces of this art. Unfortunately, we were not systematic about keeping them after we had completed them. Many were lying around, collecting dust in every other corner of the house. We had meant to string them up to decorate the windows, but somehow, we always procrastinated and never got about to do it. As a result, many were discarded/lost after a while.
Eventually, when we did some spring-cleaning 1-2 years ago, we gathered some of the coloured stained 'glass' pieces still around. Some of the pieces were done together with WS, too. Not knowing what exactly to do with them, I suggested to WY to let CP have them. WY agreed excitedly because he knew that CP would be able to appreciate all the hard work we had put in these.
However, CP was at first rather sceptical of these seemingly useless stuff. In fact, she had hesitated on accepting them at first. But I managed to persuade her to keep them.
This CNY, CP put these stained 'glass' pieces up on her wall outside her bedrooms. When we visited during CNY, I was very surprised to see how she had them mounted on the wall (instead of having them stringed up and hung).
Ah, I was so overcome with a deep sense of nostalgia when I saw them. It felt as if it had been just last week when we were poring over the plastic moulds to painstakingly add the colour paints to them......
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