The tension in the office, after one week, seems to have eased a little. But still, the non-action from HR and from the Management regarding the extension of service is still feeding N's sense of "what's there for me to look forward to from now on" feeling. I think I can empathise with N.
I sincerely hope that things will turn out fine here soon. And I hope my boss will be proactive about the whole thing.
Since some time ago, I have already learnt that at times, it is more important to be seen to be doing something than to be actually doing it. In other words, it does not matter that you don't really do it, but it is important that you do enough to be seen by others to be doing it.
Sigh, quite a tongue-twisting mouthful and not easily understood by all. But I think there is some truth in it, just as I have been recently reminded by some impetuous and accusing laments which I read.
人,真的是很复杂的动物。。。。 N 和我的 'boss' 就是一个好的借镜。
所以,我想我应该提醒自己: 要反省,再反省。天天反省,时时反省。。。。我有设身处地吗?我尽了本分了吗?我真的做到了吗?哎。。。。。。。。

Again, for ranting purposes, I propose you set up another blog site, which will not be easily linked to your original blog.
This is a safer bet.
N and boss are not annonymous, and new person is easily identified.
I also learned the same lesson before. LOOK Busy!
Otherwise others will be jealous and this feelings usually spills over to gossip and the boss will hear it eventually.
Tsk tsk tsk!
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