Monday to Wednesday were packed with work. Half the time, I was handling the work of this particular colleague who has been away on MC for 6 weeks (!) for a broken little finger on his right hand. My other colleagues and I hope have jokingly said that given the extent of our 'covering' of his duties, he should really 'surrender' his July salary to all of us here in the office!
On Thursday, I went on a one-day course on Benchmarking. The course was terribly boring. And it was almost unbearable because there was this particular participant who persisted in engaging the trainer on protracted discussions on 'Blue Ocean/Red Ocean' theory during lesson time. I think he was trying to show off his 'knowledge' of the Blue Ocean/Red Ocean.
It was so ridiculous when he actually raised his arm at every possible opportunity and said, "Mr XXX, according to the author Mr YYYYY who said that the Blue Ocean..... What are your views?" Then the trainer would hesitate momentarily and before the trainer could say anything, that irritating man would add, "I would like to engage you in a discussion on....."!!!!! And, the silly trainer actually entertained him!!
Of course I gave less-than-favourable feedback at the conclusion of the course.
On Friday, work (there was plenty this week) had to be completed in the morning. In the afternoon, there was an office-organised outing to Changi which lasted till the evening. It wasn't exactly exciting although it was a good break from the office routine.
At Changi, I took several photos of the Boardwalk which has been completed some time last year. I also tried to capture some shots of the surroundings. I share some of them here:
Don't laugh, leh!
On Saturday, WY and WF went for their classes as usual. But we did more than the usual for Saturdays.
It had been raining every day for the past 2 weeks. As a result, there were loads and loads of semi-dry laundry hanging at almost every corner of our place. Despite Mother's help during the day to turn and turn again these laundry to try to facilitate their drying, the laundry remain the same - cold and semi-dry.
Eventually, we decided that we would bring these to the launderette at Parkway Parade to dry them properly. At the same time, we brought a 'fresh' load of bedsheets & pillow cases etc there to wash and dry too.
So, as WY went to class at Katong Mall and WF & I to class at Yamaha, R proceeded to deal with the laundry at Parkway Parade.
When WF and I joined R at the launderette after class ended, R was seated amongst other similar-idea parties waiting in queue for the machines. At almost 12 noon, the tumbling was finally done. All 3 of us proceeded to have our lunch at the foodcourt at the basement.
Then we went to pick WY up from Katong Mall. The plan was that he would go to CP's place for lunch and tuition after that. At 5:30pm, we would come to pick him up again to bring him to 文化艺术团 for his rehearsal which would end at about 9:30pm. (Woah, also so hectic for WY, hor?!)
In the meantime, WF had fallen asleep in the car. So although initially our plan was to go home to let WF have his nap before returning to CP's place, we decided that we would go guitar-shopping instead. Afterall, it was raining and it would have been more 'clumsy' to try to move the slumbering WF in the rain.
We went to the basement of Excelsior Shopping Centre (a guitar haven) to look around. After a while, we decided on a Maestro C-T2. I got a hard foam case for it. Other accessories, I decided, can wait.
On our way back to CP's place, R and I agreed to WF's suggestion to have dinner at CP's house. In order not to waste time, we decided that I would iron the bedsheets etc at CP's place whilst T brought WY to his rehearsal. WF would, in the meantime, explore with CP CP's new LCD tv. WF was also delighted to be allowed to watch some Thomas & Friends videos on YouTube on her laptop.
Dinner was packed from the 煮炒 stall at the nearby coffeeshop. It was quite delicious although both CP and I thought that R had over-bought the number of dishes. WF had good appetite and ate quite a lot. (Only 'poor' WY didn't get to eat the food that day.)
We left CP's place just before 9pm. Luckily the traffic jams on the CTE had already eased a little by then. Soon after we reached home, R had to go off to pick WY up from 文化艺术团 as I showered WF and got him ready for bed.
It was almost 11:30pm by the time all of us slept that night.
By comparison, Sunday was a more 'normal' Sunday than Saturday. Morning was spent almost entirely at 文化艺术团. For lunch and grocery shopping, we went to Singapore Post Centre because we just wanted to get home 'easily' after that.
Mother came by at almost 4pm, bringing some steamed 包子 which she had bought during the 一日游 she had just returned from. I asked her jokingly if there was any more of those 'lucky draws' onboard the coach. She replied, "有啦。我还抽到两个奖!"
Ha?! Hahahhaa... but she didn't elaborate (I also didn't want to ask or know) on what 'prizes' she won. She just mumbled something like those organisers had learnt their lesson and no longer dare to give out those fit-for-recycling-only items.
WY finished his CL revision with me before we had our dinner of cereals and fruits. WF had his later because he had fallen asleep. R also had his on his own when he returned from his office (where he had gone to in the afternoon to 'settle some problems').
The rest of the night was spent showing WY our new guitar. I think he will enjoy the guitar very much and given his exposure to music theory so far, it should not be too difficult for him to pick up chord-playing. We will see - our first lesson is this coming Sunday.
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