This morning, M said to me that it is about time to get a maid. She said she is very tired already.
That she is tired, I can understand. Tired of marketing, tired of getting WF ready for school, tired of cooking etc etc. I can accept this. In fact, I have been telling her to stop marketing, stop cooking, stop doing this and that, but she would not listen.
What I cannot accept is all her protests and arguments when I disagree to engage a maid. And her yelling at me because she thinks that I will 'retaliate' by sending WF to a student care.
Based on my experience, having a maid makes more trouble than there already is. Maid is not a solution for me. Why?
I have neither time nor patience to train and train and train the maid to do things as I want them done. It has never worked out before, and it never will. I ended up previously getting all agitated everyday, so much so that I was just a hand away from hitting the 1st maid. The 2nd one drove me up the wall similarly. You don't know what a relief it had been, when we were suddenly maid-free.
Everyone at home had assumed that I was the fussy one. That I was the difficult, miserly and mean employer. All the time, they 'good-intentionally' told me to close one eye here, another eye there and to lower my expectations/standard etc. I did. I really did, but it still didn't work out. I was going crazy, relapsing into the hyperthyroid thing and getting headaches every day. Why?
Because not only did I have to put up with the maid's nonsenses (which was quite a lot, too), I had to listen to daily doses of complaints and complaints, loads and loads of them. Earful after earful at the end of a long day's work,
everyday. Cannot believe me? It's because you haven't tried this yourself.
Actually, now that WY and WF are much older than before, there should be even less reason to get a maid. Afterall, we never allowed the maid to handle the children nor marketing nor cooking because we don't trust the maid to do these properly and to our preferred standard. All that the maid did was laundry, ironing and washing up the dishes. Oh yes, and mopping the floor. That was all.
These days, WY's schedule is such that he will be out of the house even before the sky turns bright, and won't be back until the sky darkens. So where got need to get a maid to attend to him? Maid can coach him in his studies, meh?
And WF? He now knows how to shower and dress himself. It's only that if he 大便, then he needs some help to clean the buttocks and wash up. He eats by himself and loves to make his milk all by himself. He packs his school bag in the evening, so there's minimal that he needs to do to get ready for school. So how will the maid help? Coach him in his studies?!
Marketing? Cooking? I don't trust the maid.
I seriously don't think getting a maid helps in any way for me. Maids are, to me, a great liability and source of frustration. I was lucky to have been spared those nightmare of eloping maids, prostitute maids, lover-maids, voodoo maids, torture-kids maids and killer maids that we hear about both in the media and from our colleagues experiences.
The solution, as far as I can see it, must be a resolution of the problem itself and until the problem is acknowledged, there will be no solution. There Never Will Be.
Have I told anyone how my kitchen has ceased to be mine? How I cannot squeeze a few apples into the fridge because it is already packed? How I have to spend one hour or so everyday washing the dishes after dinner, scrubbing pot after pot? Bliss, you say? And I chose this?