BK and YP ordered many dishes, including one big black pepper crab and a gigantic butter crab. Dinner went on fine until the chicken came. YP had ordered a salt-baked chicken. So it came encrusted in salt crystals.
After the waitress cracked it open at a counter nearby, she brought the chicken to our table. With a knife and fork, she tried very hard to cut the chicken open. She even asked her colleague later to get her a pair of scissors. Either way, she failed. Then, a senior captain took over the cutting job. He, too, was unsuccessful. At this time, M and I went to the toilet. By the time we returned to the table, the chicken and staff were gone.
To our amusement, YP and the rest updated us that it turned out that the chicken had not been thoroughly cooked! It was still raw, hence the struggle to cut it open! So it had been sent back to the kitchen. What a joke this was, hor - they should have known better than to play-play with the chief inspector of the cookhouses/canteens of the nation's army! Haha....
By then, it was alomst time to leave for our bowling. We had booked the lanes from 8pm and couldn't afford to wait for the chicken. So, notwithstanding all the reassurances of the manager and another waitress that the chicken would be ready 'very soon', we cancelled that chicken item and left the restaurant.
The bowling centre was relatively quiet by the time we got there. After everyone had changed into their shoes, we started our games. The boys occupied one lane while YP, R and I took the other. BK declined to bowl, preferring to sit and chat with M. Later, BK also went shopping for some wine - M later told me that he bought 6 bottles!
The bowling went on ok. About half of the time, I had gutter balls. But I finally got the hang of how my ball would usually roll, so I managed to make some adjustments later.
YP bowled very well. Most of her balls went straight, in the centre of the lane. Like me, R fared badly that night. I think he had more gutters than strikes or spares.
The boys were full of cheers and jeers (camouflaged as cheers, of course) throughout their game. I think WS did quite well. WP kept dropping his ball onto the lane, which then almost always ended up in the gutter. That night, WY didn't bowl well. Somehow, WF also did poorly.
But everyone had fun. Even M had fun watching our balls go into the longkang, poking fun at us, especially me. When our 2-hour booking ended, WP told me, "Sa Yi, this is fun, leh! Next time we must come again!"
I think we will do so after everyone's exams are over. And that will mean sometime in mid-November or so.
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