After some sourcing around and some SWOT exercise, we decided on a party at Leisure Park, Kallang. The programme was basically a bowling game followed by tea at a casual restaurant in the same building. For a more convenient party for everyone, we decided that the party will be held in advance on the eve of National Day!
About 25 children attended. Only a handful was his school-bus-friends, the rest were his classmates ('the rest' was made up of about 2-thirds of his class). WY invited one of his friends called John. John knew that he was going to help to keep scores in the bowling game, so he even brought his pencil case along! So cute.
Both WY and WF were most excited about the party. WF was also especially excited because he knew his guests would be bringing him presents!
On the day of the party, the boys went for their classes in the morning as usual. We went to meet up with WF's guests only after the lessons had ended. Some of the equally excited children were already at the bowling centre by the time we got there.
After the change of shoes and a little 'briefing' of the safety rules such as 'not going onto the bowling lane itself', the bowling game started. Things were generally ok although some of the children were rather rowdy and unorganised at first. A few were also grouchy fellows who wanted to switch lanes mid-game. They were supposed to be grouped according to the party hats they wore, but it was futile trying to get them to keep to this!
A few parents stayed around to cheer their kids on. When the game ended after 2 hours, 2 of them also helped to bring the children to the toilets.
Then I managed to get them to do a group photo near the entrance to the bowling centre. (Fortunately, the place was not occupied because ours was the only function that afternoon.)
The thing about this party was that the only 'organisers' were R and myself. It was very tough seeing to everything ourselves. CP had declined to attend the event. YP and her gang had something else on.
So, after a toilet break, the children raced to the restaurant called 'IWannaGetStuffed' for the cake and food. I had to get the hungry and excited youngsters settled down at their seats. It was tough work because I had to keep raising my voice above the din they were creating with their chattering!
I conducted a quiz on bowling for the children and WF gave out the prizes. We also had prizes for the individual and team top-score bowlers. Everyone went home with at least their goodie bag comprising an IKEA mug and snacks such as mini TimeOut chocolate bars, Quaker Granola Bites, some gummies and a special pen or pencil (depending on their team placing).
We had ordered WF's birthday cake from our regular bakery, the Creative Bake. In the excitement and all the bustling, I forgot to take a photograph of the cake before getting the kids out for the song-singing!
This was a big mistake on my part, especially since with all the 20+ kids 'securely' surrounding the cake, I also could not take any photo of WF with his cake and/or friends! Anyway, there is nothing we can do now about the 'lack of' photo with the cake. Sigh. I also didn't take any photo of the food we had for the party! Aiyah, double sigh.
Food prepared by the restaurant was ok. Some dishes, like fried rice and sausages, remained the children's perennial favourite and were cleaned out quite quickly. I asked WF which dish his favourite was - as expected, he proclaimed, "The chicken wings!"
The restaurant owner and staff were very helpful. I think it's worthwhile visiting the place again another time. Since I hadn't had any food during the whole time of the party, the staff from the restaurant packed some of the leftover chicken wings and potatoes for me. One young girl also helped to pack for me some very delicious coleslaw that they had prepared for the party, too.
That day, we had arranged to visit YP at her place even though R and I knew that we would have been completely exhausted after the party. WY and WF were delighted to end their very happy day with a visit to 二姨's house - because they were so keen to meet up with WS and WP!
So, we picked up the 4 shopping bags full of presents and gifts, and headed for our quick shower at home, quickly. The tray of chicken wings and potatoes that I had to balance on one hand, was really heavy.
At YP's house, we had some fruit salad prepared by YP. Haha, WF had to be coaxed into taking this because he doesn't like grapes and kiwi fruit in the salad! Our little one just went for the apples. He was more keen to get back to the XBox the boys were on then.
What an activity-packed day we had had!
1 comment:
Wow! What a party! You must be exhausted! Bravo!
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