Monday, July 27, 2009

Now Hawker Centre's Turn

One day last month, WY came back and told me that the hawker centre was going to be closed until end of the year. I didn't think much about it, especially since CP had also mentioned something about that a little while before that.

What's a 6-month wait? Nothing, and it's not as if we regularly buy food from the hawker centre.

I think the upgrading is probably more of a good thing than bad. Afterall, the hawker centre has come to be in a dilapidated state, so the renovation is most likely going to do it some good.

Then, one day earlier this month, I passed by the hawker centre on our way out. This is how the place (from the outside) looks now.

Suddenly, I miss the hawker centre - because the elderly uncle who sold the best sugarcane juice that I have ever come across in my entire life, may not return when the renovated hawker centre opens! Or will he?

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