We visited the Marina Barrage. Since this was to be our 1st visit to this seeming-far place, we decided to set off early. So, we reached the place early (R had to park the car further away because the car park was already full by then) and looked around first. It was a super-hot afternoon that day.
After R re-joined us, we saw the 35-m long Marina Bridge spanning across the Marina Channel, and decided to take a walk on the Bridge. As we went onto the Bridge, suddenly, the alarm on the PA system sounded! It was so deafeningly loud that many persons on the Bridge quickly got off the Bridge!
As we continued to walk to the centre of the Bridge, we heard the announcement warning that everyone should stay clear of the Marina Channel because PUB was going to operate the Barrage and once the Crash Gates opened, there would be rapid currents. WY and I hesitated because we weren't sure if that was the reason everyone else moved off from the Bridge. We decided to 'play safe' and moved off the Bridge, too.
R continued on, however, only to turn back later to realise that we had already moved off the Bridge! He grudgingly strolled back after staying on the Bridge for a while. He asked with a big frown on his face, "Why did you all move away? I thought this is a good time to catch the Barrage in action?" He also said, "No lah! The warning is for people in the waters!"
And so, we all went back onto the Bridge and saw for ourselves, the opening of the Crash Gates and the discharge of (brownish) water from the reservoir into the (blue/green) sea.
As it was close to 5pm, we hurried back to the Reception Counter to meet up with Andrew & Family.
We were going on a guided tour of the Marina Barrage. The guide was a young man, who spoke clearly. The tour started at the Marina Bridge. We were shown the Barrage which is made up of 9 Crash Gates. Hydraulics are used for the Crash Gates which would open out to the sea whenever water from the reservoir needs to be released.
Then we proceeded to the Gallery comprising 4 sections. Most of the exhibits are so-so only. The only interesting one, I think, is the working model of the Barrage. It can simulate increased water levels in the reservoir by having 'rain' fall from the ceiling. Then there was a demonstration on how the Crash Gates would open to discharge the extra water out to the sea.
The guide also explained that at times, when the sea level is not much lower than the water level in the reservoir (and so it will not be feasible to simply open the Crash Gates to discharge the water out to sea), super-strong pumps will be used instead. Each of these super-strong pumps, which are all housed next to the Bridge, can empty an Olympic-size swimming pool in 9 seconds!
After exiting the Gallery, we were led to the Green Roof at the 3rd storey. I loved this part of the entire place, best. It had very beautiful views of the Marina Bay area and offered many photo opportunites. Several persons were also flying their kites there.
The guided tour ended at the Green Roof. By this time, the children were a little hungry and so as they munched on some biscuits and snacks that Edward and Ann and ourselves had brought along, we all rested in the shade.
After a while, we decided to go back to the Gallery to take some souvenir photos. We tried many rounds because it wasn't easy to get into a 'correct' position!

Then, we decided to check out the ground floor where some people were playing in the wading pools. All seemed to be having a great time in the hot, hot afternoon sun. Sometimes, I do wonder how is it that the parents of some very young children agree to let their young ones frolick in this type of fountain-like pools. Is it safe? Is it hygienic?
After strolling around for a while, we decided to head for dinner at the Esplanade. While walking toward the main entrance, however, WF ran and fell. It was a fall so hard that WF's jeans were torn (at the knee joint)! His arm was also scratched by the rather rough cement floor.
Luckily, the staff patrolling the common areas spotted us and directed us to the Reception Counter for first-aid help. R and Edward brought WF to wash his arm and then put the antiseptic lotion on the abrasions. According to Edward, WF was very brave and held back his tears.
Andrew invited WF to go to the Esplanade in Edward's car. WY opted to take our own car. So we all proceeded and went for dinner at Ichiban.
The food was satisfying - all the children enjoyed theirs very much. We adults also ate a lot as we chatted and joked. Everyone had such a good time that we decided to fix our next date - a picnic on Good Friday!
1 comment:
Somehow I noticed R, particularly on this article. He looks still the same as 10-15 years ago, but then he put on weight now.
Ex-Commando....erh clerk hor?
Can eat damm fast....
and no mistake one...sure can finish all the food.
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