Anyway, at one stage of the discussion, one parent noted that the K2 children's shower time has been revised from 12 noon to about 10am. The class teacher confirmed that this is indeed so.
I thought nothing of it - what's so bad about getting the kids to shower earlier anyway? Outdoor activities, if any, are usually in the late afternoon just before dismissal and so, from what I see, the change in shower time does not 'impact' on the children's state of 'cleanliness' much.
But, to my surprise, some parents actually protested and said that getting the children to shower at about 10am (which is soon after the official assembly time of 9:30am) will defeat the purpose of getting the children to attend school in school uniform! (You see, CH requires the children to attend the assembly in school uniform but after their showers, the children will change into their home-clothes and stay in their home-clothes for the rest of the day.)
One parent even went so much as to say that getting the K2's to shower at 10am will then just mean unnecessary laundry (of the briefly-worn school uniform) on the part of the parents! Another parent added that he might as well get his son to shower before coming to school, then!
I was actually quite taken aback at the parents' response to this change in shower time. To me, it is ok - no, in fact, I would prefer to have the children shower early so that they will freshen up in the morning and their young minds can probably think and absorb the lessons better.

Although the class teacher and school director were at first quite surprised at the suggestion, they said they are open to such an arrangement if that is the parents' preference. I immediately asked whether this would be made compulsory. I don't agree to it, ah! The school director replied that it is not; it will be arranged only if the parent of the child asks for it. She went on to stress (after some prompting by the class teacher), however, that even if the child were to re-use his/her school uniform after shower, he/she will still continue to be required to bring an extra set of clothes to school as a standby - in case the uniform gets soiled in class or during meals etc.
Yesterday, when we went to pick WF up, WF was in his school uniform. In his Comm Book was a note from the class teacher. It read something like this:
Thank you for attending the PTC..... As discussed, your child will wear his school uniform before and after his shower every day. This will also train him for primary school when he goes to Primary 1 next year. Please ensure that he has an extra set of clothes.......
Woah lao!!!!! I = 火冒三丈, 七孔生烟!
How could they do this?! Just because 2 or 3 children's parents say that they prefer to have their children re-use the soiled school uniform after shower doesn't mean everyone will now have to follow suit, right?! And just what 'training' is this all about?! Training to tahan being unkempt throughout the day?! That can be left to the Army later, lah!!
So, I gave the class teacher and school director a rather stern sms, requesting that WF not be compelled to re-wear his soiled school uniform after shower. I also pointed out that there was no consensus at the PTC that all the children will re-use of their school uniform etc. I told them that we don't share the concern of some of the other parents about 'extra' laundry; our priority is hygiene and health.
I think they got the message. Both have replied my sms to say that they are ok to continue to let WF change into his fresh set of home-clothes after his shower. From what I see of the class teacher's sms, I think she also supports the 'extra' laundry.
1 comment:
What should I say?
What can I say?
Blind follow blind.
The not-knowing just follow the "loudest" voice loe!
Our countrymen are simply so mindless and the teachers too! There could be some truth in all the opinions of all parties, but the way the school management conducted themselves, shows ONE THING.
They are afraid to make mistakes and therefore will write letters, announcements, until some people (who can be bothered), exercise their brains and rights to "correct" them.
So, do things in one way, wait for complaints and then do things in another way lor. In this case, people "in charge" need not use their brains or minds.
Coming back to the original root cause of the problem.
Showering early for what? Children should be soiled as much as possible, as long as possible (in school), and then when they are ready to come back, or do homework, then they should be given a "final" shower.
This is MY preference (if I imagine sweating away in hot humid SGP).
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