Last Sunday, WY had some kuehs which Mother bought from the market before we set off. So only WF had his breakfast 'on the go'.
After the boys went off to class, R and I headed for HDB Hub. We had planned to get some groceries and a loaf of bread for Monday's breakfast. But as our breakfast took us a longer time than expected, we didn't get to do any grocery shopping at all. Luckily, R managed to visit the popular hairstyling outlets for a 10-minute haircut.
WF's 文化艺术团 class is dismissed 15 minutes earlier than WY's 1st class. And then, WY's 武舞班 will start about 30 minutes after that. Usually, R and I would bring WF to the library at Toa Payoh whilst WY attends his 武舞班 . During this time, I would usually also buy lunch for WY. After WY's 武舞班 ends at 1pm, he will change out of his soaking-wet clothes and then after freshening himself up, we would be on our way to LW School at United Square.
Last Sunday, we didn't go to the library. Instead, we went to CP's place to pick up the luggage because R has been scheduled to go on a working trip to Bangkok from 11 March to 13 March. Whilst we were at CP's place, we gave WF his favourite fishball noodles and bought fried rice for WY. Needless to say, WF helped himself to his usual chest of toys during our hour-long stay at CP's house.
At LW School, WY and WF went for their EL lessons as usual. This week, however, we attended a PTM with WY's LW teacher. The teacher's feedback was mainly these:
1) Unlike some of his classmates, WY's foundation in EL is quite good. He has no major problem with grammar etc.
2) However, WY's creative writing skills need to be polished because his writing is rather 'flat'. He needs to learn to use more adjectives and exciting descriptions. According to the teacher, boys' writing tends to be more 'flat' as compared to girls'.
3) WY's handwriting is atrocious. His 'wormy' scribbles will need to be improved if he doesn't want to be penalised in examinations. The teacher even said in jest, "I have had to either use a magnifying glass to read his work or to photocopy to enlarge his scribbles in order to read them!" (We already conveyed this feedback to WY.)
At my request, the teacher agrees that WY may submit to her some of his compositions which he may write in school or at home, so that she may give him her comments. The teacher was quick to add, however, that a maximum of about 2-3 works per term would be realistic; any more than that would not be feasible.

On Saturday evening, WF had asked YP if she would allow him to go to her place on Sunday to play on the XBox. YP had agreed that it would be ok and that she would prepare our dinner, too. And so, after Circo ended, we headed for YP's place.

After a while, WY joined WP at the PC in the room; WF logged onto YouTube using YP's laptop to watch some Thomas & Friends video clips.
At about 8pm, R and I went out to get our groceries. When we returned, WF was done with the laptop. So we told him and WY to get ready to go home. Suddenly, WF went into the room and started to cry - because he hadn't had the chance to play his promised XBox Lego StarWars game yet!
Sigh, and so we persuaded WS to allow WF some 10 minutes for his Lego StarWars. Eventually, the 10-minute extended to something like half an hour. Playing this game with WP always makes WF chuckle so much that when we really had to go off, it actually seemed very 'cruel' to peel the boys off the consoles.
Anyway, we finally went home at about 9:30pm, which was our original estimated time to arrive home that evening.
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