Meanwhile, just a quick update.
WY came down with fever the day before we were scheduled to fly Down Under. Everyone panicked! Mother, especially, was very concerned and 'decreed' that if the fever didn't subside by the evening we were supposed to board the plane, WY 'should stay home and give the trip a miss'.
The poor boy was of course very dismayed at the prospect of missing the holiday Down Under. So he cooperated 101% throughout those 2 days, drinking lots of water and herbal tea, popping the paracetamol and resting well in bed faithfully.
At Mother's insistence, we brought WY to the doctor on Thursday evening for a checkup. Much to WY's relief, the doctor examined WY and then reassured him that so long as the fever was gone, he should be able to proceed as planned. No need to give the trip a miss. Actually, I was very relieved to hear that, too.
Anyway, we all proceeded as planned on Friday. WY and WF stayed home with Mother while R and I went to work in the morning.
After R and I knocked off from work at about 1pm, we went to Suntec City to collect the boys' Run-Packs for their Kids' Dash which was scheduled for 2 December 2007. It was quite funny when the ushers asked if we were collecting the Run-Packs for the 10km-Run or the Half-Marathon or the Full-Marathon.... they were trying to guide us to the correct queue. To everyone's amusement (actually, more our own amusement than theirs, lah), we replied, "No, no, no. We are collecting the Run-Packs for Kids' Dash." Hahaha...
Throughout the whole check-in process, I felt a little light-headed. Almost like 'floating about' - I have no idea why this was so and why everything felt quite 'unreal'. Perhaps, it was because it had been some time since our last trip overseas and it had been so many years since we travelled with a tour group.
Whilst in the Transit Area, we shopped around a little. For the 1st time in our lives, R and I also went about looking for 'Salem Light' cigarettes which Cathryn had requested us to help her to buy for her counterparts in Australia. As we finally located these amongst the other duty-free items in the DFS, WY quizzed us, "Mama, why are you buying these cigarettes??! The label on the box says "Smoking Kills", leh!!! You shouldn't be buying this!!!"
I was a little dumb-founded and couldn't find a proper 'explanation'. Eventually, I only tried to explain that some Australian friends of our tour leader has requested for help to buy these for them and we were merely trying to help, lor. It was a thoroughly rotten 'explanation', I know, but that was the best we could manage.
Frankly, I didn't feel good at all doing this favour, especially since WY kept trying to 'dissuade' us from buying the cigarettes because we all know that smoking is harmful and something that 'Kills'..... It was like doing exactly what we have been teaching him never to do - help people to do something just because they ask for that something to be done even though the something was not a good thing.... sigh....
Anyway, we didn't want to back out of our word with the tour leader, so we got the cigarettes and then headed towards the gate. Everything went smoothly and we soon boarded the plane.
The excited boys quickly settled down and like 'seasoned' passengers, tucked their pillows into place and buckled themselves down as they waited for the stewardesses to start distributing the all-important headphones....
I realised something - I don't like night flights at all. The air seems cold, looks gloomy and feels miserable, somehow. Supper is also lousy....
1 comment:
WY! You are very right about the cigarettes. You can ask Mama and Papa for a good present, so that they realise their mistake! And make them promise that they will not help "kill" others softly with their actions.
LPLP and R, you can esaily tell the tour guide that it is against your principles and that you can "help" her in other ways. I am disappointed but glad that you show you are human also. A moment of weakness I would say.
I propose you give a penalty in form of rewarding WY for his alertness and punish yourself / redeem yourself for your "reckless" action.
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