As with all matrices, of course, there have been some 'forced' scoring. But this is as objective as I can get about it already. Here are the scale and assumptions:
Scoring scale: 1 (low, ie no good) - 5 (high, ie good)
1. Weather too cold = no good for R, WY and WF. All have sensitive noses, and tend to get blocked/runny noses in cold weather. HK scored worse that Genting because air pollution in HK is known to be worsening. Experiencing and playing snow are nice but I don't think their noses will take well to it. I was also cautioned that if it rains at the Great Wall, it will be particularly slippery and perhaps dangerous (especially for children) to try to climb it at this time of the year. This item is a very dilemma thing for us to decide.
2. Travel to all desinations will be by air except Genting. Air travel to Europe will almost certainly be by SQ. Air travel to Australia likely to be by either SQ or Qantas, and to HK by either SQ/SilkAir or Cathay Pacific, and to China by either China Airlines or equivalent. Hence the scoring based on perceived safety record of airlines. Travel to Genting will be by coach/cable car. In year-end wet weather, perceived to be least safe, especially since there has been numerous landslides on the hillsides.
3. Safety while at destination = general perceived safety of the environment, including likelihood of 'getting lost' physically (mostly because of lack of familiarity/ability to read foreign road signs etc), encountering robbers, conmen and security in lodging and food etc. Quite obvious why China scored worst for this item. Genting scored high for this item because we think we can still figure out the various parts of the resort and what most directional signs say or mean.
4. Affordability (cost) = $. Mostly influenced by currency exchange rate. Except for Europe (where we know we can probably request to bunk-in at HA's new house for some parts of the trip), all the rest are based on enquired rates (which differ from published rates) of package tours and all those dunno-what taxes + surcharges (which, rather oddly, fluctuate and are not commonly published).
5. Affordability (time) = time needed for planning + time for travel + time for trip + time for 'recovery'. Europe scored lowest for obvious reasons. Based on our Swiss expedition 2 years back, we took more than 3 months to settle down (back to 'reality') after the 6-week May/June school holiday. By the time it was school exam time in October that year, WY was still reminiscing his trips to Deutsch Legoland, Eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, The Glacier Express, The Matterhorn, the Ballenburg etc etc and of course, the fun times he had spent with his uncle, aunt and cousin both travelling and playing at their home. 人是回来了,可是“心”还没回来啊!
6. "New-ness" = the question of 'have we been there?'. This is definitely an artificial scoring in that actually, we cannot even say we have been to Genting because our last trip (the boys haven't even been born then!) there has been more than a decade ago! And of course, there are so many many places in Europe that we have never even set foot upon, so how can we possibly regard ourselves as having 'been' there, right? Even for those places where we had visited in our previous trip, it had been largely a 'touch and go' quick glance only, also can hardly consider ourselves as having 'been' there..... Come to think of it, I think this item should not have been included since all are quite 'on par'. Should be disregarded.
7. Activities for WY and WF = recreation and educational value. Theme parks are an obvious choice for the boys, but scores vary for WY and WF because generally, WF may be too young or too short for some rides. Also taken into account is the boys' respective ability to appreciate things like scenery and history of the destinations. HK didn't score high for WY because WY has been to the Ocean Park and some other museums there during his previous trip to HK with CP, so these attractions will be a repeat for him.
8. Attractiveness to adults = what generally appeals to R and me, as individuals and as parents, porters, safety-managers etc. To a small degree, this item also sums up our own gut-feel of the choices.
It may be obvious from the matrix that the real contending destinations were China vs HK vs Australia.
Genting was ousted easily for the items scored '1' (safety issues mainly). Europe was dropped for the low affordability scores (both $ and time), even though we know that Europe offers a big bonus in that we will get to base ourselves in Zurich (thus saving some $) and then venture elsewhere for some days and on other days, WY and WF can get to play with their cousins, too.
So, in the end, we booked this package.

Well, the latest I know is that YP and BK are bringing WS and WP to HK (again!) in December. Mother intends to do her own holiday planning soon. I am quite sure Father doesn't plan to travel anywhere.
As for CP, I am not sure of her travel plan yet though I think she did mention earlier that she has some courses lined up for November/December, so she will be quite occupied during this period.
Can you please stick to 1 or 2 colors. Not all the fonts available please.
It makes the reading so much harder, contrary to what you try to achieve (sectionalise).
Ya, Gold Coast is nice for the kids. I was there 12 years ago. Not sure if things are still the same. WY & WF would love the movie world. Take more pictures la.
As for ourselves, Kris Flyers' points can provide us with 4 free air tickets to HK. So we tot it's cheaper that way. Anyway, we didn't get to see much of HK the last time also. Moreover, can't afford the time as there are many things to follow up after the release of PSLE results on 22 Nov 07. The release of posting on 19 Dec 07.
That's why we chose to go HK again.
Remember to check your camera and also buy an extra memory card (now so cheap) to bring along, just in case.
We wish you a nice holiday! Make more photos and send us!
Merry (early) Xmas!
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