Then we took a leisurely walk back to wait for WF to be dismissed from class first, followed by WY 20 minutes later. The boys were rather excited that we were going to visit CP at AMK that day. WF kept asking:
WF : Mama, what are we going to do at DuaYi's house?
me : Papa is going to help DuaYi set up her new DVD home theatre system.
WF : Then what are we going to do?
me : Erm, then we are going to have pizza at DuaYi's house - remember? DuaYi told GeGe yesterday that she will order pizza for us all?
WF : Then after that, what are we going to do?
(I pondered a while, then it suddenly dawned upon me that WF was trying to sound me out if playing computer games was on our programme for the day.)
me : Then we will see what DuaYi needs us to help her to do, lor.
WF : Erm, then after that, what are we going to do?
me : After that, I don't know yet.......
WF : Are we going to play computer games?
(There, see what I mean.)
me : Erm, I think yes, after you and GeGe have showered and eaten your lunch.
WF + WY : Yeh!!!!
On our way to AMK, we decided to make a detour to Junction 8. We took a leisurely stroll in Best Denki to check out the LCD TVs available. No lah, we are not changing our CRT TV any time soon, but just kaypoh-ing to see what is available these days - CP is considering to change her TV to 'match' her new DVD home theatre set. She has been so thrilled at her winning the 6th prize at her company's D&D lucky draw! And it has been such a properous and very lucky year for her, so far so good!
The range is really quite wide, be it brand, quality or price, but my personal favourite is a 42" one (I think it is a Samsung, cannot be sure though). For CP's place, maybe good to get a 32"; anything smaller will be quite insignificant and look quite dwarfed.
Whilst browsing at Best Denki, R and WY were together. WF and I walked ahead of them. At one point, WF and I went to view some Philips LCDs but WF quickly got distracted by some other TVs which were showing some cartoons. He tried to pull me to view the cartoons but I told him that we would do that together after I had seen the Philips.
Not surprisingly, he refused. I stayed on at the Philips corner. From the corner of my eyes, however, I could see WF walk off all by himself (just like what he did once in Ikea). So, without calling him aloud, I decided to keep watch from a distance out of his sight.
After watching the cartoons briefly (he probably got bored), he walked away (not towards the Philips corner but back towards the direction where we had been much earlier on). Maybe he was trying to get to R and WY, but he couldn't find them anywhere nearby. So he retraced his steps to the cartoons and then towards the Philips corner again. This time, he was clearly looking for me but of course, couldn't see me either.
From where I stood, I could see him pick up his pace whilst looking frantically left and right. So I headed back to just outside the Philips corner (where he would be able to see me more easily) and stood there waiting for him to emerge from the maze of TVs.
And true enough, moments later, he spotted me and sprinted to me in a flash, his face all red and wet with flowing tears. In between loud sobs, he asked accusingly:
WF : Mama, I couldn't find you! Where have you been?!
me : (sounding cool, calm and collected) I have been here, but you walked away from me all by yourself!
WF : (crying aloud now) I couldn't find you! (continued crying....)
me : You walked away all by yourself again, just like you did last time at the other shop (ie Ikea), right?
[By now, the bottom half of my t-shirt was already quite wet with his tears (and mucus!) - yikes!]
WF : No, I don't want to do that again. (crying now subsided to sobs....)
me : Ok, if you do it again and you cannot find me, then you will have to find your way home by yourself, understand? (In a much sterner tone) Would you want want that to happen?
WF : (tightening his hug and resuming loud sobs again) No!
me : Don't walk off by yourself again, understand?
WF : (wiping his tears off with his bare hands) Understood.
Sigh, I hope he really learns his lesson this time.
When we joined R and WY at the EzyVideo located inside Best Denki, we selected 'The Banquet' DVD and one 'Hi-5' vcd for CP's place. After payment, we proceeded to Haagen Daz - I have a 30% birthday-month discount mah. I chose a few pints for take-away and we were about to return to the car when I suddenly remembered that CP had said that we should pick up some fruits if we could.
So WY and I made a quick dash into the supermarket to grab a watermelon and some persimmons, then we were on our way to AMK. First to deliver 2 pints of Haagen Daz to a colleague because she had given me a lipstick for my birthday, then to CP's house.
The afternoon was spent entirely at CP's house. R took charge of the setting up of the DVD system. I got the fruits ready while CP ordered the pizzas and saw to the boys' showers. WY and WF started their games on the computers as I had promised them - there were 2 laptops because I brought mine there.
At about 4pm, WF asked to take his nap and was soon sound asleep. And I took over the laptop to check emails, draft a blog posting and place an order for borage oil. After WY had exhausted his one-hour time limit on the PC, he started to study the game manual - to prepare himself better for his next try at the game mah!
How come boys cannot use this same thinking when it comes to school work and study ah?! How wise and sensible that would be!
Anyway, later on R and WY were assigned to buy dinner. And it was a truly sumptious spread! Apart from the fishball soup with 'yellow noodles' which WF ordered, here's what they bought: 福建面、新洲米粉、海鲜炒河粉、XO酱鸡翅膀、麦片虾、虾枣.
Woah! For anyone who might be envious (yet again), here's a picture of the food for you to savour - visually lah!
As school was going to restart early next morning, we didn't want to stay till very late. So we packed up soon after dinner and washing up.
Just before we left, however, Mother called with a very weird and funny OL story. CP didn't elaborate, but I roughly guessed that it was a troublesome one.
As soon as we got the boys showered and changed after we got home, I received Mother's call - so I got to hear the same weird and funny story plus an update. Check out onlysonsmatter later for a summary of the drama.
After speaking to Mother, I proceeded to shower. Midway, I suddenly got a bit worried - what if OL finds her way up somehow to our unit and asks to be let in?! Woah lao! I quickly called out to R to tell him to be mindful if he does answer any call at the door. I managed to re-tell the story to him only after I finished my shower.
Sigh, what a drama-tic end to a perfectly great Sunday!
Eh.....stop posting food photos ok!
DVD home theatre ah? NV.
But the very same person cannot operate Skype, let alone a sophisticated DVD home theatre system?
Lets skype this weekend?
The picture speaks a thousand words mah! No need to describe a lot, so less typing for me. :)
Aiyah, CP already 'improved' tremendously technology-wise liao lah. Skype is only a matter of practice.
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