The 6-month stay at home had been a mix of everything - marketing, cooking, household chores and general 'aunty-ing'. There had been lots of studying, worrying, cajouling, scolding and even some yelling. Then there had been some games and other exercises. And much laughter and joy.
There just hadn't been much time for much computer work though, and hence the blogging drought (save for a few posts).

Also, we haven't had time at home to organise the photos that we had taken on our Taiwan trip. So the travel stories will have to come later. Suffice it to say for now that it had been a good trip, both educational and entertaining.
Why else would WF's questions at the beginning of our trip like 'Mama, why did you choose to come to Taiwan?' morph into questions like 'Mama, when can we come to Taiwan again?' at the end of our trip? :)