Tuesday, September 30, 2008




几个月前,WY 为了文化艺术团的绿团表演节目, 背诵起了这《三字经》。我在几年前,逛书局的时候买下来的一本精美封面的《三字经》,终于能排上用场了!

也就在差不多这个时候,我也第一次打开这本‘小孩子的书’来翻一翻。 不一会儿,就一口气地读了好几行。






昨晚, 我接了通电话。话说不到几句,便挂了线。

事情的对或错、好或坏、应该或不应该、可以或不可以、往往都只是因为个人的立场和观点不同。。。。。 或者,真的是“习相远”了吧?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Trying To Figure Out Why Cannot Publish

I have a whole update on August happenings and September accounts waiting to be published onto this blog. But somehow, whenever I try to do this, it fails.

So, I shall try again later. Be patient.

F1?! Bah!

Yesterday morning, R and I were caught in the massive traffic jam on our way to work. That inaugral F1 thingy - what a terrible, lousy start for us to this "singaporegp season"!!! We took over an hour just to get to our office. Our average travel time is about 20 minutes.

I think we close our major roads too massively, too readily and too often these days. So what if we get onto global TV for a few seconds?! Is it really a worthwhile exercise if we have to paralyse ourselves in exchange for it? And that is not yet considering the economic costs this fiesta incurs!

Reminds me of the Chinese saying: 打肿脸皮充胖子!Working commoners like us suffer. Sigh.